Gender specific jobs around the house.

Bubbly Scot

Registered User
I just lit a fire for the first time since I was in the scouts. It's always been Mr Bubblys job. It got me thinking about the jobs we accept as being our own around the house. In the Bubbly household the ones I can think off are...oh! and most of these are assigned for practical reasons but a few just seemed to land where it felt natural.

Bins out/in - Mrs
Car washing- Mr (although recently assigned to kids)
Plant watering - Mr
Fire lighting/bringing in coal - Mr
cleaning up animal spills - Mr (unless he's not here)
changing lightbulbs - Mr
Anything car related - Mr

Noticing a slight imbalance there :eek: but then I do most of the everyday chores.

In years gone by, Mr Bubbly used to take my car and fill it with petrol but that has since become impractical.
I'm sure Ms Caveat was a pyromaniac in a previous life - anyway, she is most definitely the fire lighter (and is better at it) but I do everything else fire related. I clean the cars and do the bins. We share the cooking/washing up. As regards general housework and garden work, she is the foreperson and I do what I'm told - it's easier. But generally she does most things clothes related.
Mr - Dog poo/litter trays
Mr - Fire lighting
Mr - Bins
Mr - Grass cutting
Mr - tea maker

Me - Cooking/cleaning/shopping/laundry
I just realised that Mrs Purple does bugger all housework... she does work longer hours though.
I just realised that Mrs Purple does bugger all housework... she does work longer hours though.

Oppps! :D

Mr Bubbly does a lot of house-y work if he's home and I'm out working.

Oh, and he carves the roast....that I cook!
Bins are most definitly a Mr job in my house. My reasoning is that i'm very short and when i lift the bag and carry it out to the bin i have to hold it close to me and then i get bin juice all over me. I do make up for it by pulling all the hair out of the plughole as it's 99% mine, (long hair vs shaved head!)
Cooking – me
Fill/empty the dishwasher – me
Gardening related jobs – me
Electrics – change bulbs/plugs – me
Turn on the fire – me
Recycling – me
Bin in and out – me
Fill washing machine – me
Vacuum – me
Cleaning – me
Fill car with petrol – me
Pay all bills – me
Shopping – me
Clean windows – me
General household jobs - me

I wonder is there e'er a chance of a tax break in the budget for singles who have to do all the household work themselves? ;)

Cooking – me
Fill/empty the dishwasher – me
Gardening related jobs – me
Electrics – change bulbs/plugs – me
Turn on the fire – me
Recycling – me
Bin in and out – me
Fill washing machine – me
Vacuum – me
Cleaning – me
Fill car with petrol – me
Pay all bills – me
Shopping – me
Clean windows – me
General household jobs - me

I was about to ask were you single - or a complete walkover...
Cooking – half and half.
Fill/empty the dishwasher – half and half
Gardening related jobs – lawn cutting when we don't employ some one to do it is his job ( because he 'doesn't trust me with lawnmower'), weeding is mainly mine
Electrics – change bulbs/plugs – supposedly Mr.V's job unless I get tired of waiting for him to do it, then I do it myself
Turn on the fire – half n half
Recycling – half and half
Bin in and out – half and half
Fill washing machine – me
Ironing-me, but then this is when I get to watch anything recorded on sky+ because I banish the rest of the family for a few hours while I iron and watch tv.
Vacuum – the cleaner
Cleaning – the cleaner
Fill car with petrol – I fill mine, he fills his
Pay all bills – direct debit all the way, but otherwise me.
Shopping – half and half
Clean windows – cleaner
General household jobs - any electrical/ electronic/ maintenance is really for him to do cause I don't know how mostly. But legal/tax/accounting/investing and general planning ahead issues are mine ( well and the accountant!).

I think we're pretty even.
General household jobs - any electrical/ electronic/ maintenance is really for him to do cause I don't know how mostly.

My husband commented recently that whilst doing my job I go charging around organising new floors, landscaping, replacement windows, lifts are fixed, entire apartment blocks are repainted with barely a furrow on my brow........yet come the weekend, he sends me out to buy a tin of paint and I'm calling him up from the store "what kind do I get? how many tins? what brushes do you want?"

I think we're pretty even.

That's a good balance, I particularly like the bits where the person who does the task is "the cleaner".:D
Creche run - me
School run - Mrs Cole
Cooking - 90% me
Gardening - me
Washing (filling machine, drying, folding etc) - me
Ironing - no one
Cleaning - 50/50
Walking the dog - 99% me
Shopping - me (that's how we save money!)
Paying bills - me (utilities/creche), Mrs Cole (mortgage)
Bin/recycling - me (mostly)
Putting Kids to bed - 50/50
Creche: Mrs C
Car and car related tasks: me
Cooking: 85% me
Cleaning: 50/50
Bins: 50/50
Bills: 70% me
Cat: Mrs C
Ironing: 60% me
Maintenance/ repairs: me
Shopping: Mrs C
Laundry: 50/50
Administration/ paperwork, formfilling: me
Keeping the whole ship afloat: 50/50
Hey Carpenter! Surely your last line is a joke ............ or perhaps Mrs. C worked out the equation.;)
school run - 50/50 - he drops, I pick up
afterschool activities/birthday party runs - me
cooking - me
cleaning - me - should get a bit more help from him
bins - him if I remind him - otherwise me
laundry - me
hoovering - me/him
shopping - me - but have roped him into grocery shopping recently
dishwasher - kids (I knew we had them for a reason)
cat - whoever gets up first feeds him - lives outside
diy/painting - him
car washing - him
mowing lawn -him
ironing - nobody ... tumbledryer does most of the decreasing!

I could do all of his jobs, he couldn't do mine ... will have to address the balance a bit ... teach him to cook at least one meal a week.

Definitely have started giving the kids more responsibility ... putting away laundry, making lunch, unpacking shopping etc. As regards cleaning I pick stuff up once - the second time I have to lift it, it goes in the bin.
we dont have as many jobs as some mentioned here, no garden, no pets, no kids, but I reckon our job share goes something like:

Cooking - me
Hoovering - him
Bins - Him
Laundry - 50/50, I sort colours and fill washing machine, he empties
Dishwasher - 20/80 (more him as I cook and he clears)
Changing bedclothes - me
Cleaning bathrooms - me main bathroom, him ensuite
General cleaning/tidying - 50/50
Shopping - 50/50
Ironing - I enjoy it so me a lot, but him sometimes
Accounts - I ask for money - he hands it over :)
Window cleaning - me
Handiman work (putting up a shelf, fixing something) - me, but only because I believe that I can do it better!!!
Cooking – her
Fill/empty the dishwasher – 75/25 me/her
Gardening related jobs – her (I just cut the grass)
Electrics – change bulbs/plugs – me
House locked up, alarm set, electrical stuff turned off – me
Bin in and out – me
Fill/empty washing machine – 75/25 me/her
Vacuum – her, plus paid-for help

Ironng - my stuff - me, her stuff & kids, outsourced
Cleaning – her, plus paid-for help
Fill car with petrol – me
Pay all bills – me
Shopping – her
Clean windows – her inside, me outside
General household jobs - her mostly

Making sure all her TV programmes are not missed - me
Removing spiders from house - me
Getting up first at the weekend - me
Making pots of tea/coffee when both in house - me
Spiders are our friend, would never kill/hoover one - they help rid the house of the pest that are flies!!