Good Courses on Wealth Management and Investment Fundamentals


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Hi Folks
I am looking for a course on the fundamentals of investing and wealth management, incorporating such areas as property, shares, equity and other asset class investing. Ideally I would like the course to cover issues such as investment identification, vetting, assessment, execution, monitoring and exit.

Would anyone know of a good course that covers some or all of these areas? I am not looking for a get rich quick course, or a tightly focused stock market course but rather a more comprehensive general investing course that will cover areas such as investment strategy and general wealth management as its fundamentals.

Appreciate any good pointers to such courses/material.
Beware of organisations offering courses and requesting money up front for a suite of them. I have found to my cost that when you part with your money,the courses do not always take place
I know I'm not answering your question directly here, but you don't say if you've read around the subject much? If you haven't, before forking out for expensive courses invest in a good book first! "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" by Burton G Malkiel would be an excellent place to start.
Hi Daithi,

Agree with bogle, you can teach yourself this material by buying some good books and reading through them. You also need to be careful of courses since the quality of the courses on offer is very questionable from what I have seen.

'A random walk down wall street' is a good book but has one big negative in that he tends to favor the efficient market side of things which is pretty much bunk.

Meanwhile, a couple of people have asked me to provide them with some training on trading techniques (quite different to investing). I am about to start training them one on one. (I work for myself as a professional trader).

I have been asked (by the same guys) if I could provide a course. I wonder how much interest there would be in this. Note it would be at a reasonably advanced level not like the laughable courses offered in Ireland right now which seem to teach stuff you can get out of a cheap book.

Just wondering out aloud here whether I should pursue this?
lemur I think there is a huge need in this regard.
Trade options as a hobby and for one would be interested in doing a good course in same/trading.
As you say so much crap out there.
lemur I think there is a huge need in this regard.
Trade options as a hobby and for one would be interested in doing a good course in same/trading.
As you say so much crap out there.

Hi Markowitzman,

In my view, options are for seasoned pro's only. Right now, due to the high implied volatility's the advantages are with the seller of options. I buy options sometimes as a hedge for some set ups I use.

Huge need - agree. I get asked about it all the time. P2P me and I will send you some slides I prepared this weekend for training some people.
Lemur I would be interested in finding out more about your course.