Swan injured by firework


Registered User
This incident has been much discussed on the radio and and the newspapers in the last couple of days. I'm shocked at the amount of people who think, 'it's just an animal', 'sure we eat meat all the time'. To me the point is not that it was 'only' an animal or that we kill animals for food but the mind of a person who would feed an animal a firework and leave it in agony and somehow think that is funny? Animals that are killed for their meat are slaughtered in an humane and quick way and to try and pawn off this incident with the arguement that we eat meat is ridiculous to me. I think the more important issue here is that if a child or young person thinks that abusing and torturing an animal is funny or acceptable what kind of person will they grow up to be? Would they hesitate to abuse a person in this way? This to me is the real issue rather than the blasé attitude of 'sure it's only an animal, it hardly deserves all this attention' which was expressed by a radio presenter on a dublin talk show.
I totally agree with you. I was disgusted when I heard about it. This is the second such incident involving swans, the first one being the pit bull set upon the nesting swan. There is a lot more involved than just an animal. Swans are beautiful creatures and it is always a pleasure to see them. It was reported in the Times that the Animal Inspector was advised not to work there alone when he called to the incident and that people know who is involved but are fearful to say. These youths are pure bullies and should have fireworks firmly inserted where the sun dont shine and see how "funny" it is.
Tis a sad ol' world that we live in. Hadn't hear this story.

The very sad story a while back about the horrible creep who brought his dog on the Luas to the canal and set the dog on the swan and as far I can recall it died the next day. He got back on the Luas whilst many onlookers were extremely upset.

There was also a poor swan decapitated in a local park some years back and the locals were also very upset.

I would always be careful of swans because they can be quite intimidating. When I try feeding them/other birds they regularly come out of the water to go for my dog so this makes me nervous of them.
old news at this stage

The fact that it happened a couple of days ago does not make it any less disgusting.

Easy knowing it's coming up to Halloween (horrible time) with this kind of animal abuse happening
old news at this stage

The point of the post isn't to inform people of the news, it's the reaction that the incident got that I'm interested in. I think there's something very worng with a person who can be cruel to animals. If i knew someone who did something like this I don't think i could ever think well of them or trust them.
Almost got sick when I heard about this. These thugs should be jailed.
Tis a sad ol' world that we live in. Hadn't hear this story.

The very sad story a while back about the horrible creep who brought his dog on the Luas to the canal and set the dog on the swan and as far I can recall it died the next day. He got back on the Luas whilst many onlookers were extremely upset.
I truly believe there is not enough deterrent or forceable laws at present to suitably punish these 'people' who are found guilty of animal cruelty. Those found guilty often escape with paltry fines which is disgraceful - makes me sick! There should be tougher sentences passed down, definitely jail time for those found guilty and time should be levied depending on the severity of the crime. Organisations like the ISPCA and local dog wardens should be given more powers to remove animals (just because animals have adequate shelter/food does not mean they are not suffering e.g. chained all day, lack of mental stimulation etc). I also believe that obligatory spaying/neutering of domestic pets should be enforced to reduce the amount of unwanted animals wandering the country. What do other AAM's think?
What these thugs will be like as adults is more than worrying.

Surely parenting involves instilling respect - for humans, animals, property and for authority. There is simply no fear in the minds of many people and (in my opinion) society isn't better for it.

I know parents can't fully control where and what their children are doing all the time. Yet when one of these kids gets a hand injured or lost, the parents won't hesitate to lament to Joe Duffy about their child being in possession of fireworks.
I heard on a radio show where they were discussing the issue, that the FBI keep track of incidents like this in America, apparently there's research to suggest that people who do these kinds of things move on to attacking people etc when they're older. The mention of the FBI sounds a bit scary but it's not hard to believe that there's something very wrong with these people.
old news at this stage

What has this got to do with anything? This is the Letting off Steam forum for people to vent their frustration at issues such as this.

Would have to say that go along with the theory that anyone who is cruel to an animal is not to be trusted. :(
This to me is the real issue rather than the blasé attitude of 'sure it's only an animal, it hardly deserves all this attention' which was expressed by a radio presenter on a dublin talk show.
Possibly a radio presenter who is being deliberately provocative in order to wind people up enough to get them to ring in and provide free material for his show.
Yeah that swan story really got me down when I heard it first. Its hard to believe how cruel people can be.
Anyone with any involvement in that incident should be locked up, this is someone who has no respect or empathy for the life of another living creature, its a small step onto abusing humans if you have been an animal abuser. There is something mentally wrong with anyone who would do this to an animal - its shocking.

I did read somewhere that when the FBI profile serial killers that one of the symptoms has been cruelty to animals in childhood in a high percentage of cases.
I was distraught when I read the story. But it's even worse to think some people think this kind of thing is not such a big deal. It's bad enough there are some absolute horrors out there who will stop at nothing to have a cruel laugh. But to think others also think this is not a big deal because it's just an animal, make me think we are heading down a black hole.

It's not impossible to imagine this being a child or an elderly person next time. I'm actually scared walking past certain areas on my way home as it is not beyond my imagination that someone would throw a firecracker at me. I am tired of living in a place where these things take over for almost two months before hallow'een. I'm tired of reading about ugly cruelty in the paper over firecrackers every year. In fact, I'm really getting tired of thugs getting away with this kind of thing year after year. There does not seem to be any easy solution to this. Even if out of date laws are brought up to date, who is going to enforce them. They can't enforce the existing ones at the moment.

And I agree with poster who mentioned dogs being left alone all day with no mental stimulation. A guard lives on the road with me and he has a beautiful dog left out all day. I rang the DSPCA but they can do nothing. In the eyes of the law there is nothing wrong with this here in this enlightened country. Poor dog is miserable.