Do you ever have strange recurring dreams?

I have a recurring flying dream where I'm flying over the same area.
I used to have these too ... only I could never land so ended up panicing that I'd be stuck up there for ever! From a quick google I must have been afraid of a challenge or some such ... apparently!!
I think I accept dream analysis - to an extent.

E.g. the classic ones (flying, being suddenly naked in a public place, having to sit exams unprepared etc) are too commonly experienced not to mean something. But as for dreams where each and every incident or object is symbolic and has significance - no, I don't think so.

It seems reasonable to me that basic human emotions (e.g. fear, insecurity, hope) that are sometimes not able to be expressed in everyday life are expressed through dreams.

I find dreams fascinating anyway - even nightmares, and in particular the nightmares that don't sound at all frightening when you relate them but while you are having them, for some reason, are absolutely bone chilling!

My only recurring dream is one of these - it's like I have a microscope's view of a multiplying bacterial culture or something and the more it reproduces, the more terrified I become until my whole field of vision is full of these little bubble like objects and I wake up sweating, shouting, and with my heart pounding.

Have this about once a year.
I have one featuring masses of microscopic helicopters buzzing around. Similar reaction to Caveat. Even thinking about microscopic helicopters makes me grit my teeth.

I have the flying one every now and then, wake up with a jump ( wasn't this supposed to be linked to out of body experiences?).

There's another dream that I used to have all the time as a child and infrequently still have, involving the hallway of my family home, the PP we had at the time and the Stations.

God, people are weird...:eek:
Did anyone here have a lucid dream whereby you know you're dreaming? I get them sometimes and one time I decided to jump off a cliff and make myself hit the bottom (instead of the usual waking up). Quite frightening as I had to make sure it was a dream and not reality (I think I pinched myself and couldn't feel it).

My favourite though is when I wake myself up by the sound of my own laughter.:)
Yes, I used to lucid dream a lot but not for a few years now. Although I suppose for a male, the course of dream manipulation I usually decided on was boringly predictable really.

That's right, I simply 'turned them dirty' :eek:

Yeah, waking yourself up with your own laughter is great fun (but confusing!)
My recurring dream is a snake attacking me. Often a white one (is there such a snake ?).
I am known to sleepwalk (great fun!) and I dived off the bed once trying to evade same white snake. Came down on my head and woke up groggily. Mrs Teabag nearly died...... laughing. Wait until 'whitey' gets her !
Have you been listening to Captain Beaky with your cocoa? Perhaps it's Hissing Sid:D
Did anyone have braces on their teeth and constantly dream about it? i had braces 8 years ago and wore a retainer at night and ever since no matter what else is in my dream there's an element of not being able to speak properly or my teeth falling out or shattering into pieces!
I remember coming up to my Leaving Cert having a recurring dream about sitting down to do an exam, and finding that the questions were all in Italian-bloody well freaked me out at the time!!

As an ex smoker I used to dream that I smoked a cigarette and then I would be so upset because I would realise that instead of being off cigarettes (for eg one year) that I would be back to day one. In my dream I used to be devastated because I realised how difficult it was to give them up.

I haven't had this dream in years. But, it was really upsetting when it occurred.

Cigarette addiction is not easy to overcome!

I also (still) have dreams about sitting a subject in the LC for which I have zilch work covered - for some odd reason it is always English poetry. I think it goes back to when I actually sat the LC and cut the course to the minimum!

I also had the braces dream as a teenager and still have as an adult!

I frequently have the teeth shattering, falling out, crumbling away in my mouth dream.

Also have had same recurring dream since childhood, I lose my shoes. Doesnt sound too bad except Im always in some situation where I need them, facing a climb over rocky hill, standing on one side of a lake and looking at them over the other side being stolen by a stranger (can never see the stranger), and a multitude of variations.

I also dream about various dead people that I knew (grandparent for example) - actually asked my GP about that one, she said its normal to dream about a dead person frequently for 18 months to 2 years after death plus on and off after that.
I frequently have the teeth shattering, falling out, crumbling away in my mouth dream.

I've had the teeth crumbling one, think it means you're worried about how others see you.

I have lucid dreams where I'm aware I'm dreaming and can change the direction. Haven't done it for a while though, probably because I could sleep on rocks these last few months so I'm sleeping deeper.

Had a dream last night that still felt real when I woke up, can't shake it at all...but it was a nice one.
Is there actually any recognised accepted scientific basis to dream interpretation?
This is not so much scientific. Apart from Freud's ramblings in Interpretation Of Dreams very little. The part covering the Oedipus Complex (and by some other author, The Cinderella Complex) are interesting. Anyway, by the time you reach our age you realise that interpreting is mostly rubbish. You may as well go and see Madam Zaa Zaa and hand over a score.;)
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