private school,math teacher not in for 4th time.any advise


Registered User
My son is in 5th year at a fee paying school.

In the last 4 weeks the maths teacher hasnt turned in on four occasions. Instead the students are just supervised.

Can i do anything ?

Its an honours class and that seems a lot of time /classes to have missed out on.
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well your question is not really about careers so I suggest you dont put in that section. As far as the teacher being absent is concerned. You have to look at this from the point of view of principal. If a teacher is sick they are sick. Just because you pay does not mean you are paying to take blood from a stone. There is no mechanism avalible to put in a spare maths teacher when a teacher is absent. Where are you going to get a quality teacher in for three of four days and other maths teachers in the school have their own classes to teach. If your son is working hard he will keep up until the teacher is back.

Is the teacher involved in sports??
Does he leave work for the students when he is out?
obviously when a teacher is sick he is sick..surely this is no surprise to the school either and most places have an idea that someone will be out sick and have a plan in place..or is that "joined up thinking"?
No he hasnt left work for students ..
back to my original question, what can be done?
Is it fair that an leaving cert student studying honours maths should be left with just supervision instead of what i am paying for which is to have a qualified teacher,teach.
How many days sick is acceptable \?without a proper replacement.
How many days sick is acceptable \?without a proper replacement.

Depends on one's opinion. Some number less than four would appear to be yours.

All students, private or otherwise, are entitled to a reasonable standard of education. You might want to ask the Principal how this can be achieved in the current circumstances.
.......instead of what i am paying for which is to have a qualified teacher...

I don't think that they spend your fees on vitamins to keep the teacher from becoming ill. If your son is in one of the fee paying schools run by the religious orders, it is the taxpayer / dept of education that are paying for the teacher rather than your fees.

Going back to your initial query, you have a valid concern if this is ongoing. IMHO, if the absenteeism continues with no replacement, you should write a note to the principal expressing your concern.
vote with your feet,go elsewhere,your not getting your moneys worth and the little fella is falling behind.
There are teachers out of work trying desperately to get into the system for subbing who will accept test message requests to come to take this or that class - so they may be a little green.... (i know this because a friend qualified some years ago an she got a year out of last minute subbing and supervision)
but the principal won't be bothered to provide anything other than supervision if not pestered / actively encourages by a parent.
Of all subjects, higher level maths necessitates the presence of a qualified experienced teacher in fifth year. I notice that if my kids ever missed even one day of maths class they were playing catch-up for a week after. The amount of effort and work needed to get a high higher level maths grade is enormous.
Talk to the principal, tell him you are not happy and work out much you are paying per class per day - possibly remind him/her of that and mention that you might be looking for a rebate in order to help pay for a few grinds; that should concentrate his/her mind.
Dubkk - I think the fact that it is a fee paying school is immaterial and some of the replies seem to focus on this fact rather than your child's education. You should talk to the principal and demand this is addressed properly.