

Registered User
Hi all

We drove to Wexford yesterday and passed the toll twice.
Is it simply just a case of going on to the eflow website and putting in my reg and number of passes through toll.
Is that all that is required?

I don't have a registered account as I don't or won't be using it that often at all.

Do I get some sort of a printable receipt or how does it work after I make a payment.

Thanks all

Re: Eflow..??

Check out this site, it compares all the companies.

[broken link removed]
Re: Eflow..??

What happens if the cameras are unable to read your vehicle registration?

Let's say theoretically that everyone in Dublin decided to put black plastic over their reg plates on monday morning.

What would happen then?
Re: Eflow..??

Well who knows....

Do you want to be the first to try and see what happens..
Re: Eflow..??

What happens if the cameras are unable to read your vehicle registration?

Let's say theoretically that everyone in Dublin decided to put black plastic over their reg plates on monday morning.

What would happen then?

If you do not have a Tag, and the camera cannot read your reg, well then they have no way of knowing who owns the car, but I’m sure putting a black plastic bag over your reg would be an offence under some Road Traffic Act or other. So presumably you could be prosecuted for this.

No doubt though we will see a range of ingenious methods far more advanced than the black bag for temporarily concealing/ obscuring reg plates, all of which I’m sure will be done with the flick of a switch.
Re: Eflow..??

Put it this way, "some" foreign nationals will not pay it.

How will rental car companies work this?

I was only discussing both topics with the missus and the inlaws last night.

1. Correct, as I say only discussing it last night and I agree totally.

2. We came to the concluision that the car rental companies have to provide a list of thier vehicles and each time they are clocked passing the toll the individual company gets a weekly or monthly bill.
I am sure the car rental companies have this "additional fee" included in thier rental fees!!

Re: Eflow..??

I was only discussing both topics with the missus and the inlaws last night.

1. Correct, as I say only discussing it last night and I agree totally.

2. We came to the concluision that the car rental companies have to provide a list of thier vehicles and each time they are clocked passing the toll the individual company gets a weekly or monthly bill.
I am sure the car rental companies have this "additional fee" included in thier rental fees!!


However, like most companies, somebody will have to provide the admin on this and rather than charging customers a nominal rate they will most likely notch up the charges by a large margin meaning that car rentals from Dublin Airport, Shannon and Cork etc will be higher even if the individual never passes a toll plaza.
Re: Eflow..??

I suppose most foreign lads renting a card would give a large deposit, failing that a credit card number, and like me when i get a rent a wreck when my company van is in for a service there is a record of when i got it/gave it back.
Re: Eflow..??

Let's say theoretically that everyone in Dublin decided to put black plastic over their reg plates on monday morning.

What would happen then?

According to a piece in Saturdays Indo if your caught and the NRA press charges there could be a €5K fine or 6months prison for evading the toll. One driver has been let off with a warning having been caught by the guards. A number of other motorists only covered their front plates and received a bill anyway as the rear plates were recorded too.
I used the M50 northbound twice last week on different days. I paid the 3 euro on line on both the following days before the 8pm deadline. I thought it unusual that I was not given a reference no but it did say that my payment had been accepted.

Today I arrive home to two letters from EFLOW outlining the two times I passed through the Toll and how my payment was not made etc etc. The fine is being waived this time as they are allowing motorists to become familiar with the system they are giving me another 14 days to pay before they bump the fine up to 40 Euro. (I"m wondering do they know there was a fault on their system and thus giving this time.) I don't normally check my credit card bill in detail until it arrives which is later this month so would not have been aware until then that the toll charges hadn't been charged to me.
Has anyone else experienced this??
I'll be ringing them to make sure it is paid as not getting hit with 80 euro!
If you pay in a Payzone branded shop you should get a receipt from the terminal. The retailer also get a copy for his till(cashing up), so this way there is a paper trail....
Today I arrive home to two letters from EFLOW outlining the two times I passed through the Toll and how my payment was not made etc etc.
Has anyone else experienced this??
Yes, I got the same letter today for a return trip I made on the M50 last Saturday. Like yourself, I paid the €6 online, the same day as the journey.

I deliberately did not get a tag or apply for video registration because I was sure this was going to be a disaster. I was afraid if I hooked up my credit card or bank account they would just dip into it randomly, whether I drove on the M50 or not.

Seems like they are out to get me anyway :)

I'm going to ignore it. I can see from my online card statement that they took my money so I'm safe. I'm curious to see what happens next.