Funny things children say


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The word Tramp came up in a book my child was reading.I asked her what the word meant She replied a Wild Dog. She was of course thinking about the movie 'The Lady and the Tramp'
The thought process of a child can be really funny alright. At the moment my four year old is, due to the death of a close friend of ours, fascinated with the concept of death, heaven etc. She wants to know why she can't go on an aeroplane to heaven to visit, or go on the elevator. Yesterday she wanted to know if Holy God made our friend dead and why. And on being told our friend was happy there now, well again and drinking a pint ( Mr.Vs contribution) she wanted to know why if he could drink a pint he couldnt pick up the phone and call us. And the rest!
We told our almost 4 year old that his grand uncle (recently deceased) now lives in heaven, but he wants to go in a helicopter to visit him.
Flicking through a car magazine recently with my 2-year-old, Conor.

Conor: Buy that one, Daddy. (Pointing to an exotic car with a six figure price tag.)

Liam: That's very expensive. Where would I get the money to buy that?

Conor: In Mammy's purse!
flicking Through A Car Magazine Recently With My 2-year-old, Conor.

Conor: Buy That One, Daddy. (pointing To An Exotic Car With A Six Figure Price Tag.)

Liam: That's Very Expensive. Where Would I Get The Money To Buy That?

Conor: In Mammy's Purse!

The younger sister (4 at the time) had a speech impediment and couldn't pronounce the letter s. Speech therapist was showing her a picture of a sink and asked her to say the word out loud. Sister kept repeating the word fink. Eventually therapist says 'what does your mammy wash the dishes in' - Sister replies 'the dishwasher'. :D
last night we were going through a picture book about the seaside with our 2 year old boy, in the book it was a family day out with mum, dad, a few kids and grandad along as well.

When asked to pick out Daddy he consistently picks out Grandad (complete with bald patch, totally grey etc.), herself was delira, I was not impressed !!

On a funny (weird) note, lately only a cup of milk from mamma is good enough (if Daddy hands it its no good), or if he's coming in from the cot for a snuggle in the morning with mamma (I'm usually already up) mamma has to carry him out not daddy (to the point where if I carry him to our bed (where he wants to be) he gets out again, goes to his room and wants to get into his cot but if mamma had carried him out he'd be happy out). Suppose its just the age.
My friend’s husband often falls asleep on the couch and she leaves him there rather than spending 30 mins getting him to go to bed.

They were having friends over for a night. One friend was known to the kids knew well while the boyfriend was staying for the first time.

They were having lunch in a local hotel when the 3 year asked the girl where her new boyfriend was going to sleep as her older sister (7 years old) said they could not share a bed because they were not married.

The friend replied that she would be sleeping in the spare room. The 3 year old then asked where the boyfriend would sleep. The 3 year olds mother confirmed that he would be sleeping on the couch. And with that the 3 years shouted - but where will Daddy sleep....