how to help the Mum of a nocturnal baby?

Do you mean 'help out' as in help her to sleep, or as in pamper/compensate her?

Mind you a dirty big lasagne might do both.
"The New Contented Little Baby" book by Gina Ford.
Would not recommend all of her teachings but she has some good tips and insights. Its all about routine routine routine...
Call around, make her a cup of coffee/tea, take out the hoover & get busy....don't forget to make a salad to go with the lasagna!!
Or mind the baby for an hour while she go's for a walk.
Cooking her a meal is a great idea. Possibly offer to do some ironing or other housework? Best of all, offer to take baby off her hands even just for a couple of hours so she can have a nap.

Be wary of Gina Ford, that's a little too much like offering unwanted parenting advice which is only appropriate if asked for.
The offer to mind the baby for a bit so she can take a nap sounds like a great idea. Bringing a lasagne over is a lovely thought and would be appreciated I'm sure.
On the matter of housework, maybe the offer to take some ironing away (or offer to do it there while you have a natter). I'd say it depends how well you know her and how comfortable you would both feel if you started cleaning. As a woman, I would absolutely hate it if someone came into my house and started cleaning, especially if I was a tad emotional and overtired.
I can verify from experience that the offer to mind the baby while the mother takes a nap is perfect.

Years ago, when my first was very small, a couple of good friends dropped in. I made them tea, then said that they can talk among themselves and mind the baby. I was so sleep deprived that I then went for a blissful couple of hours sleep.

When I woke up, I realised that they hadn't actually offered, but thankfully they didn't mind being roped in to babysit :)
Would you suggest that you sleep over for a night so the mom can get a night sleep in full.. i think that would be perfect..
Thank you all very much for your ideas. I shall arrive laden and send her to bed!

She will appriciate that much more than a bunch of flowers or yet another set of babygros (age 6-9mths of course!!).

Always amazed us after we had our kids how people would just arrive & expect to be waited on!!
If the father is around why is he not doing some night feeds?
I did all of the night feeds on our first child as Mrs Purple was ill after the birth. It didn't kill me.
If the father is around why is he not doing some night feeds?

Because that's not a man's job. The poor man is probably out working all day and when he comes home, he should have a hot dinner laid in front of him, after which she should bring him his slippers and a chilled beer for when he's watching TV and reading the paper.

(Death wishes can be fun, actually.)
Because that's not a man's job. The poor man is probably out working all day and when he comes home, he should have a hot dinner laid in front of him, after which she should bring him his slippers and a chilled beer for when he's watching TV and reading the paper.
I can't wait to see the responses to this one! :rolleyes:
Absolutely and the last thing he should be bothered with is a wailing bairn. Wouldn't they at least have the decency to volunteer to sleep on the sofa so he could get a bit of shut-eye?
Seriously though, is there a father on the scene?

If so , and he is not pulling his weight, then feck the lasagne and tell him to grow up.