Motor bike insurance issue with Quinn Direct


Registered User
We are very unhappy with an experience with Quinn Direct. My husband requested an insurance transfer for a day to test drive a motor bike available only in Dublin,told no problem, it will cost e50 and yes there will be a fax sent to the bike shop. Cover would be transferred until 4pm next day. So he took the day off, took the train to Dublin and guess what, no fax at 1pm. So he phoned Quinn and was told it would take an hour to send the fax! He complained next day because he was unable to test drive the bike and was told the fax was sent eventually but at 4.07pm , 7 mins after the cover expired. Quinn still wanted their money. Would you pay it? We didn't receive a bill in July, August but a phone call about it yesterday. We even got a renewal notice for Sept 20 with no mention of it. They told us they would not renew the policy if he doesn't pay the e50 so he said 'fine, cancel it! Guess what , now they want e100 for cancellation and the 'tranfer' Are they for real or what? Do we have to pay this???
Typical of Quinn.
Move away don't pay them anything and if they continue chasing you refer the matter to The Financial Regulator.
Anyone that I deal with who has insured a property with Quinn always move the following year.
I think they are by far the worst Insurance Company on the Irish Market.
Typical of Quinn.
Move away don't pay them anything and if they continue chasing you refer the matter to The Financial Regulator.
Anyone that I deal with who has insured a property with Quinn always move the following year.
I think they are by far the worst Insurance Company on the Irish Market.

I found them to be very over priced in their insurance when I was looking for cover this year on my renewal!
Thanks for your helpful replies, and TG we haven't paid by DD. Quinn must have plenty customers if they can treat people in this manner. We won't ever have any Quinn insurances on anything ever again. We await the written demand (with threats), keep ye posted.
I was with QD and moved the cover over several times for test drives, change of bike while mine was being repaired etc, and had no problems with them at all, and they never charged me.

However, since then I've gone with Adelaide - what they offer seems better.
Quinn Direct are useless, in relation to faxes, i have learnt that they just dont do well when u ask for a fax, it is tho, changed at the time of request but the fax is what delays, a girl in ther told me that the fax is away from where they answer the phones.
One question to ask is that, if you change insurance companies, does the new company check with you old company for any outstanding claims etc. i would imagine they do, if that was the case would Quinn say ther was money outstanding?? New insurance company may not take you on? thinkking a avoiding a fee... only 50 i know but no harm checking??? i could be completely wrong here now too!! :D
A spurious demand for a service which they failed to provide (OP may have been covered as requested but he needed and asked for confirmation, which did not come) would not be what I would call "money outstanding".

I worked (very briefly) in an insurance brokers once (many thousands of years ago!) and while Quinn were known to be a cheap alternative for motor cover, especially for first timers and under 25s, the recommendation to clients was ALWAYS not to go there unless absolutely necessary - they may provide you with an insurance disc, but heaven help anyone who wants to make a claim - is that cover?
Just an update on our experience with Quinn Insurance. We went to the Financial Regulator website and filled in the online complaints form. It was then posted to us to sign and also the person to write to at Quinn Direct about the complaint which was helpful. We wrote the letter to Quinn and within days a phone call to the effect that every charge dropped, transfer fee, cancellation fee, ( I did mention I had recorded my complaint with the Financial regulator). Now we don't depend on phone calls any more so we asked for details in writing which took about three letters back and forth, never admitting their shortcomings of course but we did get an apology, so thanks to AAM people the advice and support and we won't be insuring with Quinn in a hurry. So if you feel you have a legitimate complaint the Fin Reg site is there to help and advice. I think if we were not happy the FR takes on the complaint and listens to both sides and he makes the final decision. Hold onto any written evidence to back up your complaint.