Issue with work done on our house


Registered User
Hi all, I’m hoping to get some advice on work we had done to our house almost 4 months ago. I’ll remain as general as possible for the moment, as the issues are still outstanding and I don’t want to cause myself or askaboutmoney any problems.

We received a quote from a well known company to manufacture and install some items in our house. Their quote stated that they only used their own installers and did not subcontract out the work. We went ahead with the work, and signed a contract. Terms of the contract were 50% upfront (which we paid), with balance payable on completion. Any defects or issues with the installation were to be notified to the company, in writing, within 10 days of the installation.

The installation was completed over 2 days, but by subcontractors. They did not ask us for the balance of the price, although we had it ready. We were very unhappy with some of the items that were installed, as they were not what were detailed in the contract. The subcontractors told us they would inform the factory the following day, who would be in touch with us to arrange a team to take out the wrong items and install the correct ones.

Over the following couple of days, we noticed that some of the items were poorly installed and also were slightly damaged. I took plenty of photos and also video to have as supporting evidence. After 4 days we still had not heard back from the company in regard to the initial queries we had raised with the subcontractors, so to cover ourselves I wrote a polite letter detailing all the issues we were unhappy with. I figured as the contract stated that issues must be made in writing within 10 days, I was better off putting it in writing. I sent the letter by registered post, requesting a reply in writing.

I received a telephone call from a representative of the company 3 weeks later. He wanted to arrange to visit our house to go through our “snag” list with us. I told him what days and times suited us, and he told me he would check with his boss and call me back. I never heard from him again.

We have since asked another company to inspect the work that was done and to quote us for installing the correct items and repairing any of the original work as required. Their quote was just slightly more than the 50% balance remaining, and I asked them to book us in for the works. They were booked up for 2 months and cannot get around to doing the job until October, however we are happy to wait.

Yesterday we received a statement from the original company highlighting the balance owed. I initially felt like picking up the phone and chewing the ear off some poor customer service rep, however that would be unfair. I really do not want any further dealings with this organisation and do not want to pay the balance. Should I write a further letter highlighting my experience in dealing with them, and informing them that I will not be paying them any further money?
Apologies for the long post, but I wanted to include as much detail as possible. Any thoughts from anyone greatly appreciated.
You should let them know the situation as it is and how you feel about the matter.I may be wrong but it could be that you have to let the supplier attempt to put things right before getting another company in,if they fail to rectify matters to your satisfaction then you have a very strong case
You should let them know the situation as it is and how you feel about the matter.I may be wrong but it could be that you have to let the supplier attempt to put things right before getting another company in,if they fail to rectify matters to your satisfaction then you have a very strong case


Many thanks to you both for taking the time to reply.
Could I argue that I have already attempted to let the supplier fix the issues, by writing to them within their stated time? And that by their ignoring my correspondence has led to lose confidence in them?
Apologies, I am just completely disappointed in the supplier.
If you propose legal action you should have an appropriately qualified engineer examine and report on the work to date. Confirm with the person you are appointing that they will be available for a court or arbitration hearing if necessary.
Thanks nuac. I can't see us going down that route, as the amount of money is less than E3k. I just don't think the original supplier deserves any more of our money, considering the way they have ignored us and all the issues outstanding. My gut feeling is that they were too busy previously to worry about us, but they've now realised that we still owe money.

I'll post here with the outcome in due course.

Thanks again to all for the advice.