Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club!



Often wondered if I was or should be included in the 10% Club. You know, that sliver of Irish people who see things differently to the bulk of their peers. They give forth with unpopular views connected as a rule to the more serious side of life in the real world.

Well today I have found out for sure that I am so connected and have made it all the way to the 10% Club. How come ? Did I need a sponsor, did I have to get references ? was there a probationery period ? Nah....just get a load of this.
Today, I note that 9.5% of Dublin motorists or approx 112,000 of us who reside within the Pale have penalty points and so it follows that I have made it at last. Seems I sailed straight in without any screening process.

I draw no joy whatever as I sit fuming on the M50 (well maybe less so since the weekend) from the notion that 90% of the motorists who sit around me are not in that select club. How come that they have escaped detection ?

Like they observe better the speed restrictions than I do ? Gimme a break.
It's impossible to drive for any reasonable length of time at or below the speed limit anywhere in this fair land of ours so how come more people are not caught and penalised. I'm just fed up being flashed at, honked, fingered (single and double), mouthed at and cut across when I try to be a good boy. I grit my teeth, grip the steering wheel, glare at the road ahead and stay under the speed limit and all these geesers flash bye me in a torrent and I feel alone in the 10% Club when that happens.

After all it was only a momentary lapse in concentration in the vicinity of that speed machine with the voracious appetite adjacent to the SpaH in Lucan that caused me to have a blotted copybook after a blameless lifetime cruising the tarmac.

Yet my youngest (he who thinks all accellerators should be nailed to the floor) refers to me as 'Road Hog' and when I try to defend myself he retorts : "Pops, you are a convicted, recorded Road Hog....known to the Gardai...etc....whereas I with by souped up Beamer have no official trace in any of those departments".

Just how can life be so unfair ?
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

I don't understand your post. Are you looking for sympathy for having broken the rules of the road and collected some penalty points or something?
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

Good God! Caught at the Spa? How could you not notice that there was something fishy going on as drivers approaching from the west braked from 80mph to under half that in a hundred yards only to boot it again once out of sight of the symmetric horizontal lines? Anyway, join the club. You are normal!;)
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

I don't understand your post. Are you looking for sympathy for having broken the rules of the road and collected some penalty points or something?

i think it's a case of "why did they catch me , and not everyone else who breaks the rules"
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

i think it's a case of "why did they catch me , and not everyone else who breaks the rules"

I thought it was a good humour yet slightly aggrieved "woe is me" type of thing. A tad more amusing than the rant he could have done.

Not sure there's any sort of response possible apart from, I can't relate 'cos I'm not in that club........but my hubby is :D (and we call him "Road Hog" too)
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

I draw no joy whatever as I sit fuming on the M50 (well maybe less so since the weekend) from the notion that 90% of the motorists who sit around me are not in that select club. How come that they have escaped detection ?
They know where the local speeding tax traps are.
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

I thought it was a good humour yet slightly aggrieved "woe is me" type of thing. A tad more amusing than the rant he could have done.
Good to see that road safety (or lack of) amuses some people.
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

Good to see that road safety (or lack of) amuses some people.

I thought it was a well-written and amusing post with just the right balance of self-deprecation and ire.
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

Good to see that road safety (or lack of) amuses some people.
How do we know if speeding does actually have anything to do with road safety? Where is the evidence or studies to support this? I would have thought an obvious approach to road safety would first be to determine the factors that cause road accidents and then address those factors.

Factors could include, and are not limited to;

Environmental factors-
- Time of day accident occurred
- Date
- Weather conditions
- Road surface (ice, gravel present, grit etc)
- Road condition (pot holes etc?)
- Signage and road markings
- Type of road
- Road 'bendiness', gradient and junctions local to the accident

Driver Factors-
- Fatigue
- Age of driver
- Experience of driver
- Emotional condition (angry, stressed, late etc)
- Drugs consumed (caffeine, alcohol, prescription, recreational etc)
- Gender

Journey Factors-
- Total length of journey
- Type of roads travelled (going from motorway to single lane roads, and back etc)
- Did driver know the route well?
- Speed variance between vehicles

Vehicle factors
- Type of vehicle, make, model engine size
- Age of vehicle

Driving behavour
- Tailgating
- Exceeding speed limit
- Dangerous overtaking
- Racing

...and so it goes on.

Unfortunately, the road safety crowd seem to be mainly concerned about one aspect, speeding. Conveniently, this can be easily measured and penalties imposed. We don't even know for sure that speeding is the problem. It could be any combination of the above.

The problem with this is knee-jerk approach is that they'll end up alienating people. If exceeding the speed limit isn't a significant factor, they are also wasting tax payers' money, addressing the wrong issue. That disgusts me.

Maybe the sole cause of accidents is drinking and exceeding the speed limit, but we just simply do not know. Looks like we are to remain in the dark.
Re: Penalty Points.....I'm in the 10% Club !!!

Bubbly are a bird of my feather.

Leghorn....great post. Lots to mull over there.

But pray tell, what do you have in mind under 'Gender'
This question comes with a health warning so careful now as you explain.