Bank/Credit Cards that offer SMS Fraud Detection



Does anyone know if any Irish Bank that offer credit cards with SMS fraud detection?

I have heard about this been offered in other countries and it sounds like a great thing. Whenever your card is used you get a text message to your phone. Instant fraud detection, the quicker you notify your bank or credit card the less you may have to be responsible for.

Reason I am interested is because I heard on the RTE Liveline a few weeks back of a guy who paid for meal in a restaurant. The waiter skimmed his laser card and somehow made note of the guys PIN number. After a day he noticed money gone. When he immediately notified the bank they said he was resposnbile for the money lost up to the time and date he notified the bank and they will not be giving him back money. By having SMS service I think it will help deter situations like this.

Here is the podcast of the topic if anyone is interested.
PTSB offer text alerts for certain large deposits/withdrawals and when you hit some configured "low water mark" balance on your current account.
I recently made a large purchase (€3,400) using my Halifax Credit Card (11.30am). Second transaction of the day (€165) at 3pm. I received a phone call from Halifax to confirm both transactions at approx 3.40pm.

Must say, I was impressed!
I was unfortunate enough to have my card copied/skimmed earlier this year and the cloned card was used to withdraw €300 in Romania at about 11am on a Friday morning.

I noticed the money gone from my account when I checked my balance at lunchtime that day and was about to ring AIB when I got a phone call from a guy in their Fraud detection unit. Because I had used my card to make a withdrawal in Dublin at about 9am that morning, their system had flagged a potential fraud and they rang to check. Had the money back in my account in about 2 weeks, just had to fill in a short form (presumably for them to have a written statement from me that I didn't withdraw the €300!).

While not the same as a SMS service, which is a good idea, I was impressed that they were so prompt about the whole thing. Would love to know where my card was skimmed though, that's the one thing I never found out.

As an aside, could banks set up accounts so that ATM withdrawals can't be made overseas unless you've expressly asked them to switch that feature on and told them how long for? A little bit like asking your mobile phone company to switch you on for roaming, for example. Presumably this wouldn't work for everyone, but given that the average Irish person isn't prone to constant trips abroad, it would cut back on some of the fraud out there.
As an aside, could banks set up accounts so that ATM withdrawals can't be made overseas unless you've expressly asked them to switch that feature on and told them how long for?
Maybe they can disable the Cirrus/Maestro facility on a card on request?
Anytime I've made transactions with my card, that I don't think are anyway strange, but that MBNA decide are, I have gotten a phone call from them, on the day, asking if I had indeed made the transaction. I find that quite impressive and great customer service. Also, they asked that if I go on any holidays to ring and notify them in advance so they can be sure it is me making the transactions.
I currently have a MBNA card and I must say they are quite good. I too have received a phone call in the past to verify transactions. I have been with MBNA now for over 10 years, beside their high APR they have been good to me. However I would be interested in finding out if SMS fraud detection service exists out there for any irish related bank.
Again , I regularly get calls from MBNA to verift some transactions , have no problem whatsoever with that , its quite reassuring actually.
Im sure the technology is there to offer a SMS service , cant see any reason why it cant easily be done.
I have an Ulster Bank Mastercard and again, I get calls from them if I use the card outside the UK and Ireland, unless I have rang them in advance to say that I am travelling overseas.
NIB offer a service where you can get alerts if a transaction over a certain amount is processed. I use the email service but I think it can be SMS as well.