How can I deter teens from hanging around my house?

I agree, it's certainly a form of humour. The sort where the person making the joke asserts a sense of superiority by referring to a person of a different sex or colour or race as somehow inferior. Comparing them to an animal or questioning their intelligence.

You know, like 'the drunken, stupid irish'. Or when a man refers to his wife as 'why keep a dog and bark yourself'. Or many variations on the same theme.

I don't find it funny myself but some people do.:confused:

I don't want to throw fuel on the fire here but i think a lot of my "little friends" are from a one parent home.... However, one good parent is better than 2 wastes of space. Again last night, around 9.30, pi**ing rain a little one no more than 7 was out on her own with a little t shirt on her hanging around with the older kids who were loitering.... That is a disgrace. The mother in this case (there is no father around) should be taken to task by the authorities, who are paying her money to look after her kids. When I was coming to work this morning, all curtains in the house firmly shut against the daylight... She's probably laughing at me getting up to go to work...
There are 2 different issues here, one is that the OP wants to know how to deal with local kids hanging around his property and making noise/causing damage/being a nuisance. The other is that the OP feels that there is at least one small child who is not being cared for properly by her parent(s).

For the kids hanging around Id suggest speaking directly and in a non confrontational manner to the kids themselves, followed by speaking to their parents, followed by reporting any damage or excessive noise to the guards.
For the child not being cared for its up to the OP whether or not he/she wants to interfere and report the situation to the relevant authorities.
For the kids hanging around Id suggest speaking directly and in a non confrontational manner to the kids themselves, followed by speaking to their parents, followed by reporting any damage or excessive noise to the guards.
For the child not being cared for its up to the OP whether or not he/she wants to interfere and report the situation to the relevant authorities.
She'd probably get lynched by the parents!
I would say at least the OP's quality of life would go down even further.
Apologies for any offence caused.

Jeeez, I didn't realize the ultra sensitive PC Gestapo was still active.

Oh, Can I say Jeeez?
Apologies for any offence caused.

Jeeez, I didn't realize the ultra sensitive PC Gestapo was still active.

Oh, Can I say Jeeez?

If you're referring to my post, no need to apologise to me as I was not offended. I just didn't think your 'joke' was funny.

Although that wasn't really a sincere apology either, was it?
Try and make the environment as unpleasant as possible maybe then the kids might not be so eager to hang around.

I remember years ago there was a corner house near where we lived that used to put out some sort of "fish" remnants!!!! I tell no lies here, and yes either the smell was too bad or the number of flies kept us away. I have to say though that this was - way back when......and one word to our parents sorted us all out.

I recently had to employ such methods but used Jeyes fliud instead, worked wonders! good luck.

Re the neglected kids I would call the relevant bodies and say that you are not registering a complaint but raising a concern.
I'm all set to put bleach out this evening in the hope that they will destroy the brand new school uniforms!!! I can't wait!!! See how their parents feel then....
I'm all set to put bleach out this evening in the hope that they will destroy the brand new school uniforms!!! I can't wait!!! See how their parents feel then....

Engine oil or agricultural grease can be pretty effective. There is also anti-vandal paint but I would not recommend it in this instance as the area is so easily accessible.
Engine oil or agricultural grease can be pretty effective. There is also anti-vandal paint but I would not recommend it in this instance as the area is so easily accessible.

Engine oil is a good idea. The wall has to be over a certain height to be legally allowed to use anti-vandal paint.
I'm all set to put bleach out this evening in the hope that they will destroy the brand new school uniforms!!! I can't wait!!! See how their parents feel then....

Not recommended at all. Bleach can also burn skin such as people with eczema or psoriasis.. You may well bring more trouble on yourself than just kids hanging around your house.
I couldn't agree more with sueellen - don't do anything that will harm them.

Go for the smelly fish or Jeyes Fluid option if you think it might work.

There was a case a few years back where a lady, who lived next to a green area, was tortured with kids climbing over her rear garden wall to get their balls back.

She put broken glass on top of the wall to deter them, but one of them still tried to climb over and cut himself. The child's mother took the houseowner to court and successfully sued her for the injury to the child.

The judge said that as she knew that the children had been and would be climbing over her wall, she should not have placed the glass there as it posed a definite risk of injury to them.
A person i know had similar problems to yours ( Op ) and they have a phonejammer which they operate when thd kids congregate on her wall . The 'kids' soon move on when they realise there is no coverage on their mobiles they have no idea she is responsible and she sees a marked improvment in unsocial gathering ,not to mention noise. , .not sure if its legal or not .maybe someone knows ?
,not to mention noise. , .not sure if its legal or not .maybe someone knows ?

Has been discussed a few times before in relation to cinemas - they are illegal. I seem to recall reading somewhere the can be used (if licenced?) if you get an expensive one that allows emergency calls through.

OP, how about piping out some Daniel O'Donnell 'music'?
Not recommended at all. Bleach can also burn skin such as people with eczema or psoriasis.. You may well bring more trouble on yourself than just kids hanging around your house.

Why don't you wait until they're sitting on the wall and then go out with your bleach and bucket of water and say 'do you mind getting off the wall for a few minutes while I disinfect it? Those winos have been peeing all over it again.'
A person i know had similar problems to yours ( Op ) and they have a phonejammer which they operate when thd kids congregate on her wall . The 'kids' soon move on when they realise there is no coverage on their mobiles they have no idea she is responsible and she sees a marked improvment in unsocial gathering ,not to mention noise. , .not sure if its legal or not .maybe someone knows ?

Definitely illegal. The units work by broadcasting on the same frequency as mobile phones (across all channels) thereby effectively "jamming" the signal and blocking all users within the broadcast radius (depends on power). So the owner is essentially broadcasting a signal on a heavily licensed (and very expensive to purchase) frequency. No way, no how, would this ever be allowed.

Nice idea though.