Home Security, Burglary:Document recovery, How do you deal with the situation?


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Hi, just thought I'd ask those who might have dealt with the situation when their house was robbed, or heard what the others say...

The house we stay in was broken into last night (we were not in at that time)

All they took was a safe with all our documents (most of them will be very hard to replace), money and jewelry.

I know, there can be many questions like "why did you keep cash at home?" and so on... It's gone now and can not be changed.

That also makes me think how reasonable it was to keep all valuable things together (I always thought it is easier to get things in case of emergency like fire, etc. The burglars have probably laughed at me all the way home...).

Any way, the Guards came, the Scene of Crime Team came, looked around, but never wrote anything down apart from what was in that safe.

My question is whether anyone who experienced this awful situation had been lucky enough to have their documents found (I don't talk about cash, just docs, which would've probably never been taken if they were not in that safe).

Also what else can I do (where to go and whom to talk to apart from the Guards, who didn't bother to take any details and will probably not even investigate.

I know, this is not their fault, just burglaries are not type of crime that is normally solved...
Re: House burglary

Sometimes docs are dumped in local laneways or places closeby where the burglars are checking out 'the loot'. Chances are they were in a hurry when they left your place so it might be worth a look....Happened to a friend of mine...Valuables gone but documents found a day or two later....
Re: House burglary

You are making an assumption that the Gardai won't investigate it. If you want to find out what is happening to your case then you should contact the relevant Superintendent.Take appropriate action if it is not being investigated.In other words make a complaint.
Re: House burglary

All they took was a safe with all our documents (most of them will be very hard to replace), money and jewelry
can't provide any answer to your question...but was the safe not folted onto wall/floor or did they rip the lot and ran away with it?
Re: House burglary

When my house was broken into, among other things they stole a handbag with house keys, passport ( just back that day from hols) and driving license. They dumped the keys a few doorts down and the post man found them the new morning. The handbag was found a few miles. My address was in the bag and it was returned to me.

Was your address on any of the documents?

.... who didn't bother to take any details and will probably not even investigate. I know, this is not their fault, just burglaries are not type of crime that is normally solved...
The main thing they were after was the keys for the car in the driveway. The car was found by garda a few weeks later in perfect condition. As far as I'm aware a court case followed because it was part of a larger operation. Other electronic stuff was never found.
Re: House burglary

Do a walk around the area - you will be amazed at what you may find. I had a break in about 4 years ago - we have a park behind the house and I found my wallet hanging from the branches of a TREE!!!, my car wrapped around a pole and various other documents scattered around. They will discard whatever they deem useless as quickly as possible. Sorry to hear about the breakin though, I know if affected me and my family as we were all asleep in bed at the time, and were fortunate enough to have left phones, carkeys and handbags etc in the lounge, otherwise I shudder to think what could have happened...
Re: House burglary

Thank you everybody who shared their experience

Yes, most of the documents were found and police got them on the next day after the burglary and rang us straight away.

I was so happy to hear the news. But further development only added to my grief.

They (police) kept all they found for 4 days not telling us what exactly was there and advising us every day that our stuff was with some other department for fingerprints.

Every day we telephoned we heard a different story as to what is being done with the docs and why it takes so long.

We were promised every day that the Guards will deliver the docs to our home on the next day.

Eventually we went in to the Garda station again only to find out that we could take our docs now, but they DID NOT KNOW whether these docs were examined for the fingerprints or not... Inefficiency of the police just strikes me.

Well, it is a small fry for them...
Re: House burglary

Glad you got the documents back at least.......Hopefully it will save you a bit of hassle.....