RTE - Home Alone - 26th July !!

I was wondering if someone would resurrect this thread when I saw it on the TV schedule yesterday.
Yet again, my little girl loved it. Perhaps you're just not the target audience for this kind of material....

So this is why I pay the €160 TV licence tax ?;)

I'd be happy to watch this film at the appropriate time of the year ! It's lazy cheap TV.

Is it €180 Million the taxpayer gives RTE each year in funding and then they show the likes of this !!:mad:

Merry Christmas Mr Bean - Lordy !
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I was wondering if someone would resurrect this thread when I saw it on the TV schedule yesterday.

My thoughts too - then I saw my Children watching Merry Christmas Mr Bean and I gave up (after hunting them out into the sunshine)

Regarding Home Alone - RTE must have only about six films in their DVD collection because as I posted several months ago they seem to recycle the same ones over and over again. A fact my son has now cottened on to. He said they're always showing Home Alone! (which for a non discerning viewer is very harsh critisism)
My thoughts too - then I saw my Children watching Merry Christmas Mr Bean and I gave up (after hunting them out into the sunshine)

Regarding Home Alone - RTE must have only about six films in their DVD collection because as I posted several months ago they seem to recycle the same ones over and over again. A fact my son has now cottened on to. He said they're always showing Home Alone! (which for a non discerning viewer is very harsh critisism)

In fairness to RTE, this was Home Alone 2 rather then the first Home Alone, so maybe they have the boxset (is there one?) in their collection.
In fairness to RTE, this was Home Alone 2 rather then the first Home Alone, so maybe they have the boxset (is there one?) in their collection.

You'd probably get the boxset in the bargin bin in your local DVD store :D

Yes it was Home Alone 2 and they have already shown it this year. don't know if there's any site you can check out what they show but I'd be interested in finding out!

We're about due Home alone 3. they haven't shown it in at least two months.
You'd probably get the boxset in the bargin bin in your local DVD store :D

Yes it was Home Alone 2 and they have already shown it this year. don't know if there's any site you can check out what they show but I'd be interested in finding out!

We're about due Home alone 3. they haven't shown it in at least two months.

You're assuming they'll show them in the correct order - given how they mess up TV series, I wouldn't count on it.
What really annoys me is when the American shows do cross over episodes (eg CSI and CSI New York) you're either left hanging half way when they head off from Las Vegas to New York after the killer (which happened a couple of weeks back) and RTE don't bother showing the related episode or you come in half way through an investigation which has popped over from one series to another. I understand that in the US they can schedule series so they dovetail but surely it doesn't take a genius to plan this in RTE?
What really annoys me is when the American shows do cross over episodes (eg CSI and CSI New York) you're either left hanging half way when they head off from Las Vegas to New York after the killer (which happened a couple of weeks back) and RTE don't bother showing the related episode or you come in half way through an investigation which has popped over from one series to another. I understand that in the US they can schedule series so they dovetail but surely it doesn't take a genius to plan this in RTE?

Annoying alright - the 2 series I used to watch on RTE were 'The West Wing' and 'Criminal Minds' (now watch on Living TV instead). They often got the orders wrong, and equally as bad, they never had a standard start time for the West Wing, as well as the fact it was on so late (something like 22:40) - it has been off air for a couple of years but thinking about it still annoys me. Idiots.
Yes - I'd forgotten about that. i used watch the West Wing too and it also used bug me.
Can't think of the series but there was one I was following a few years back and one episode had me completely lost. after half an hour I realised they had skipped a few episodes. To make matters worse they reverted to the correct order the following week with out a word of apology or explanation