Getting an EU passport for a NON-EU citizen


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Does anyone know if a person is born on a US military base in a military hospital, say for example, in Germany from an American Father and a German Mother whether that person can apply for a German passport/citizenship? My Mother had aquired an American passport by the time I was born.

I vaguey remember a letter coming to me when I turned 18 years old asking which nationality I wanted to take German or American and my Dad had me sign something stating I wanted to be an American....hmmmmmmm

Would I have had 'duel' citizenship until I was 18 years of age?

I wonder if anyone else has come across this?
Had a similiar situation with my brother and sister and some friends. To the best of my knowledge, you would have been considered an American citizen up until the time you were 18, given that your father was still in the military and you were his dependent. As you know, the base is considered to be American soil. However, as your mother was German, when you turn 18, you are given a choice of nationality.

Had your German mother divorced him and remained in Germany with you, that might have been a whole different story. I think you would have to check the German laws about nationality and see whether they will grant you dual nationality and a passport on the basis of your mother/grandparents being German. They might have special considerations for American service families?
as far as i know, you can only have one nationality when living in germany i.e. as you stated already - you had to chose. also as far as i know, you cannot change it back and now suddenly get the german passport. you would have to go through the same process like every other non-eu person. i think they're planning to change that law though...why would you want to change it anyway?
Does anyone know if a person is born on a US military base in a military hospital, say for example, in Germany from an American Father and a German Mother whether that person can apply for a German passport/citizenship?
Does jus soli or jus sanguinis apply in Germany (or wherever else you are thinking of)? If the former then would a US military base be considered US or German territory? If the latter then would the mother's status grant the child a right to citizenship? In short you need to look up the specific rules that apply to the specific country in question.

Would I have had 'duel' citizenship until I was 18 years of age?
Passports at dawn?
Thanks bunches will check out your suggesstions SUPER. yes I NEED this to work in EU/Ireland freely. I'm tired of trying to get a work's driving me crazy AND its expensive.
WOW I'm on the hunt!!!!! the technical detail is that my Mother got her American passport a few weeks before I was born .....she was so proud to be an am I but I need to work!

Germany: Article 116(1) of the German Basic Law (constitution) confers a right to citizenship upon any person who is admitted to Germany as "refugee or expellee of German ethnic origin or as the spouse or descendant of such a person." At one time, ethnic Germans living abroad (Aussiedler) could obtain citizenship through a virtually automatic procedure, but since 1990 the law has been steadily tightened to limit the number of immigrants who can come each year and require proof of language skills and cultural affiliation.