Travellers fighting in Mullingar


Registered User
First off, this is not an anti-traveller thread but more an anti-crime topic.

My point is there is a feud going on in Mullingar with a number of families and I read this morning (in the Indo) that the gardai have offered to mediate between the families.

Surely this is wrong? If you break the law you go before the courts and the judge decides your punishment. I believe the gardai should not be involved in mediation between two warring factions. Instead they should be arresting the culprits who break the law.
It was a bare knuckling boxing event with a purse of €50k. When the fella won it, the money wasn't paid up. That's what the row was over.
I read that the main instigators have been remanded to Cloverhill prison until August 4th...
With regard to Garda intervention I would say its probably a good idea, it may not stop the fued but at least the Garda are trying.. also if the travellers are aware the Garda ar monitoring they may not be a quick to riot? Then again maybe not... I would just feel sorry for the locals who are living in and around this area.
In my limited experience the law has never really applied to travellers anyway, just one example would be this, a friend of mine has a "settled" family living in a council house quite near to him with two `08 cars in the drive, these cars might cost 30K each, how can they afford such expensive cars??
Just my humble opinion.

Why is it that even though travellers live in NI they don't seem to behave in the same disgraceful manner that we see in the Republic?

At the best of times they could be described as travelling gangs rather than travellers and that would not apply to a small minority as is often the case when people back them up (having said that I'm not sure if travelling is much on the agenda with a lot of them these days).
What is so annoying about so many of these travellers is the fact they think they can take the law into their own hands, no regard for people or property then they have every crib under the sun that they are being treated differently. They don't want to settle in houses. Seemingly in Rathkeale they have fantastic houses and yet they live in caravans in the driveway. I know of a family that were housed not too far away from where I live and off they went and left the house in some state. I'm sure they're not all the same and people would'nt have problems with them if they had a bit of respect for those around them.
I really feel for the rest of the people living in the estate to have to put up with that type of thing.
It is very unfair on their neighbours. I was just watching Michael Collins from Pavee Point on Prime Time and he says 99.9% of travellers abhor violence. Thats hard to believe.
I really feel for the rest of the people living in the estate to have to put up with that type of thing.

Anyone who knows the estate knows it has been a pretty rough estate for years and years. Needs regeneration like the big dublin council estates but is unlikely to ever get it
I think it is fair to say that most reasonable people accept that not all travellers are engaged in violence. However listening to their representative on Prime Time , I think they as a group have been badly served by both their reps and social policy.
In the past it is fair to say that most of out ancestors lived in hovels(it is said that in pre famine Ireland , the road from Cork to Mallow was literally crowded with such hovels). But time has moved on , we no longer have pigs in the parlour and good housing and education has done more for people than any medicine.
Please explain to me how persisting, in this climate, to live in caravans and then try to say that it is one's 'culture' and demand that the council allow you to do this where you like, in any way furthers your cause?
By being lenient with travellers, they have now become above the law. Would anyone here be able to park a caravan anywhere and leave litter where they like? The bottom line is that Travellers do this.
As a relative who is over eighty said: I have gone to a lot of funerals in the course of my life and never have I found it necessary to arm myself with slash hooks and various other implements that are so often a feature of Traveller funeral rites!!!
I think policy should target the women mainly; education and housing and integration coupled with vigorous tax law enforcement and enforcement of law regarding schooling is the only hope for positive change .Then their mortality rate and their infant mortality rate might start to fall but pussy footing around with their rights without responsibilities is doomed to fail.
Anyone who knows the estate knows it has been a pretty rough estate for years and years. Needs regeneration like the big dublin council estates but is unlikely to ever get it

Thought that allright. You will always find though, that there are some lovely people in these estates who are trying to move forward but this type of thing sets them back years. I really feel for them.

Pavee Point have lost a lot of credibility after the Roma incident last year, so would really take their views with a pinch of salt now.
Moved to Mullingar myself last year. There was an article on the free local paper 6 weeks ago that they were no longer delivering this paper to people in that estate as the persons employed had been badly beaten up and attacked on several occasions. Now I don't think that has anything to do with a 50k purse.

Also heard tonight from locals that no Chinese or other deliveries will go there as they have been manhandled in the past. I don't Garda talks are going to help those people or that they would be covered in that agenda.

The army barracks are only a short distance away. Maybe they should be brought in to escort the pizza delivery men etc.
and then try to say that it is one's 'culture' and demand that the council allow you to do this where you like, in any way furthers your cause?By being lenient with travellers, they have now become above the law. Would anyone here be able to park a caravan anywhere and leave litter where they like? The bottom line is that Travellers do this.

I think policy should target the women mainly; education and housing and integration coupled with vigorous tax law enforcement and enforcement of law regarding schooling is the only hope for positive change .Then their mortality rate and their infant mortality rate might start to fall but pussy footing around with their rights without responsibilities is doomed to fail.

You have made some good points there but one think that is lacking is a politician to say something fundamental like : the day of travelling around Ireland is over.

The reality is, and I'm open to correction, is that every facet of Irish society has changed over the last 40 years and why should travellers not change too.
Travellers seem to want it both ways. We were all nomadic once ....... so we all have the same heritage/culture. In this respect there should be no special treatment. If there was political will, things could be addressed. If people want to avail of society's social benefits ......... they should contribute. Get their house in order etc. Before a country applies for admittance to the EU for example, they have to get their act together. AND before they get the goodies they have to have certain requirements. What's the difference between a state (a group of citizens) and travellers (a group of citizens)?