Dog barking all night



Oh my god God. There is a neighbour two doors down who has a magnificent Siberian Husky dog. The poor thing is never brought out for walks and is going slowly mad. He barks all evening until the wee small hours. In the fine weather, we've no choice but to open our bedroom windows and that's made the noise even louder. What are we going to about this ? It's not the poor dog's fault.
Oh my god God. There is a neighbour two doors down who has a magnificent Siberian Husky dog. The poor thing is never brought out for walks and is going slowly mad. He barks all evening until the wee small hours. In the fine weather, we've no choice but to open our bedroom windows and that's made the noise even louder. What are we going to about this ? It's not the poor dog's fault.

My first thoughts when I read this were 'how does OP know the dog is not walked?' - I remembered a thread on where this accusation was made and it turned out the dog was being walked very late at night and very early in the morning because the owner was still training him and didnt want 'incidents' with other dogs.

Anyway - thats a side issue - your issue is noise. I would say call to the neighbours and talk to them. After that treat it as you would loud music, log events, ask other neighbours if they are being bothered, report it to the Council or Management Company if applicable and ultimately go to court. But Id imagine that a chat with the neighbours should sort it - they probably dont even realise the dogs barking is affecting people.
Fair response. It's also fair comment to say that I don't really know if the dog is being walked or not. There's no way that I could tell that !
First of all talk to them, maybe if they are aware that people are being annoyed they might do something. If they care as little about the dog as it appears they may see it as an excuse to get rid of him.
Might be better for all concerned.

Try the friendly approach first.
Fair response. It's also fair comment to say that I don't really know if the dog is being walked or not. There's no way that I could tell that !

But even so - whether the dog is being walked for hours every day or not - thats not your problem - your problem is the noise!!!

Maybe its a new dog that they are trying to settle? One way or another, I do think calling in and being friendly is the starting point.
From :
"What can I do about barking dogs?

Excessive barking which causes a nuisance to any person is an offence. In a good-neighbourly manner, let the dog’s owner know how the barking affects you. They may not have realised what was happening. If that approach fails, a complaint about excessive barking should be made to the District Court. To do this, you must first inform the dog owner in writing using a prescribed form, which can be obtained from (your local authority)."

I feel your pain. I love dogs but my neighbours have recently bought one of the yappiest varieties available and it gets bored stiff in the back garden and yaks it's head off with a sound that grates against the nerves of the most relaxed person! Unfortunately my neighbours alarm regularly goes off by accident, their side gate clangs and reverberates around my house, the mother is always shouting, and I can't actually decide which to complain about first. I did mention the alarm a few years ago and had the head bitten off me, so I don't hold a lot of hope out.

Are any of your other neighbours bothered by this noise, if so you could find someone to call with you while you explain your concerns.

Something else you might try is contacting the ISPCA or some similar organisation and ask if they have any advice.
This doesn't address your problem, but just in case you didn't think of it, as a short term measure, try ear plugs.
When we had a similar problem I rang our next door neighbour and asked if she was alright as "Your dog was barking for an hour last night." The situation was improved by her buying one of those training collars - for the dog that is!
The breed are known as excessive barkers and IMO not suitable for built up area's.