Paul Galvin incident.

he knocked a referees notebook out of his hands, he deserves at least 6 months, he's meant to be captain of Kerry, a rolemodel to kids in the county and throughout the country.
i'll always remember him headbutting paul casey in the all ireland semi final last year when the ball was the other end of the pitch and thought to myself he was a pure thug.
What do those of you sports minded people think of this whole affair?

The GAA disciplinary system is an absolute shambles. They make the FAI look good.
It's certainly the most amateur sporting organisation in Ireland...
He should've taken his punishment like the big hard man he likes to portray himself as (on the field).

The entire appeals process has been tiresome, and ultimately farcical.
The GAA disciplinary system is an absolute shambles. ...

I would agree but there doesn't seem to be the will in the GAA to change the system. I think that counties are reluctant to change it as they might be able to use procedural defects in the system to get their players off punishment.

Every year there is another incident, Dublin v Tyrone in Healy Park, the Galway hurler last year, and many others I'm sure and nothing concrete ever seems to be done. If you do nothing then the farce that is the Galvin affair will always happen. Incidentally he deserves his six months. Also, if you look at rugby referees have more control and the players/organisation appear to task the referees/discipline more seriously.
He's one of these players that gets in all these sneaky punches etc., but at the end of the day I must say I'm feeling a bit sorry for him. Of course what he did was wrong and he deserved a suspension but I think he was given too long. I suppose why I really feel sorry for him is the fact of he being the Kerry captain and its a chance more than likely he'll never get again. He must be feeling sick as a parrot at this stage. I think what Sean Og O'Hailpin did to the Galway player last week was actually much worse and he got away with it.
The whole thing is a joke,he is a bad role model and should be off for the rest of the season but the usual GAA heads will come out in his defence.From personal experience , that behaviour is condoned and the old saying about the GAA comes to mind when you see this carry on being tolerated.A game for ..... played by ........, and its their own fault if some of us believe there's a lot of truth in that saying. I fail to see the values that this kind of behaviour pass on to youngsters.
the GAA is a laughing stock after this.with all the
discipline hoops a player goes through they then turn
around and say,back to the start again???
he was a bad choice as a captain anyway,
far too hot headed.i love the GAA v v much
but sometimes they make me cringe.doubt hell play
this season now.
The sad thing for me about this lad is that he's a schoolteacher! What sort of example does he set each time he lets his temper get the better of him? You think he'd have a bit more cop on. Think 6 months is a bit much but I've no sympathy for him as he's got away with plenty before. I just wish players and county boards would accept their punishment and not resort to endless appeals as it's making a farce of the whole discipline in the game.
Its referee Paddy Russell I feel sorry for. He has been innocently involved in quite a few nasty incidents over the years. Wasn't he the ref who sent off a Dublin player in an All-Ireland final and the player continued to play on? Then the player went on the Late Late Show and made a laugh of the incident? Wasn't Paddy Russell the referee in charge of the free for all between Dublin and Tyrone? Do I recall all the guilty players got away with that - not one suspension. And now this guy slaps the book out of his hand and every effort been made to excuse this.
The sad thing for me about this lad is that he's a schoolteacher! What sort of example does he set each time he lets his temper get the better of him? You think he'd have a bit more cop on. Think 6 months is a bit much but I've no sympathy for him as he's got away with plenty before. I just wish players and county boards would accept their punishment and not resort to endless appeals as it's making a farce of the whole discipline in the game.

I think we take the whole role model thing too far because people tend to be very different on and off the pitch. He might like the hard man image but I'm sure that its part of his mental approach to the game, it's hard to gear yourself up for 70 mins of a hard game and even though his behaviour is at times unacceptable it's understandable.
ok its not a great outcome but it hardly makes a farce of the entire organisation.

now if you went away on your biggest event in 4 years (or 10 or so as it happens) and brought no footballs and trained on a carpark and had a joke of a domestic league, can barely pay for half a stadium with multiples of the grants you begrudged others then you'd be ......... the FAI.

So lets not take this sideshow out of context in terms of what it means for the GAA.

p.s. I'm not anti-soccer as such, but darned if I'll take lip from the soccer crowd.
Why do many people assume that sports people are or should be role models for others - especially kids - or that sport necessarily imparts good character traits? Heard a repeat on Newstalk last night about (this book) which might be interesting reading. Many of the professional or serious amateur sports people who I've come across tend to be pretty single minded, self centered, selfish people with shallow personalities and few interests outside of their sporting sphere. Usually of necessity when it comes to serious participation in competitive individual or team sports. The cyclists were the worst! Headcases! :)
My understanding is that he is charged under GAA rules with minor interferrance with a referree and that carries an automatic 3 month ban. The issue therefore is why the disciplinary bodies gave him a 6 month one.

The GAA could help themselves if they were more public about their deliberations around their processes. For example, why did they not explain why he got 6 months?

It's the county boards I detest on this, try and complain about a club suspicion or procedures to them and you often get no where yet they are ther first to go running seeking loopholes and intercounty level

It would be great if the next player who gets involved in an incident like this accepted responsibility and told his board not to appeal

Have to say, it'll be interesting to see the referees reaction if he is cleared
Its referee Paddy Russell I feel sorry for. He has been innocently involved in quite a few nasty incidents over the years. Wasn't he the ref who sent off a Dublin player in an All-Ireland final and the player continued to play on? Then the player went on the Late Late Show and made a laugh of the incident? Wasn't Paddy Russell the referee in charge of the free for all between Dublin and Tyrone? Do I recall all the guilty players got away with that - not one suspension. And now this guy slaps the book out of his hand and every effort been made to excuse this.

Russell was also in charge of the Dublin Meath league match earlier this year where there was a bit of fisty cuffs!
At least we don't lock referees in the boot of a car!

Of course not, soccer players are far too busy rolling over on the ground in agony after falling over a blade of grass. Plus all the effort in picking him up and throwing him in the boot might upset their hair
At least we don't lock referees in the boot of a car!

Hi, I didnt get through Irish soccer's Hall of Shame at all yet. I could be here for the day but for starters how about:

  • cringeworthy aping of english soccer chants, with put-on english accents
  • crowd violence (some SRFC supporters attempts to have an "inter-city firm" set up, plus random lunatics from other clubs breaking windows accross the North etc.)
  • stadia which barely surpass rural parish GAA stadia
  • relentless talking up of dross in an attempt to garner some public interest or relevance
  • national heroes who never set foot in the place before they played for the country, & (Ray Houghton step forward) who go on national talkshows to explain how "as a Scotsman" it was great to score against England - could you not keep up the pretence that you're an Irishman when you put on the jersey
  • "stars" who wont sign autographs for kids
and p.s. the ref deserved it :mad: (only joking, I admit thats one area we're a fair way to go yet - even the testicle stamping eye gouging mullockers who go egg chasing respect the ref)