Dublin posters - has anyone noticed the amount of ants about?


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone else out there has an ant problem. Yesterday, I was watering a newly sown lawn and it was like the ground was moving beneath me, there was so many of them! And there are now these big big whoppers of ants too! We have put down powder and the little bait things and they ave done nada! We went for a walk last night and noticed that there were everywhere.............anyone out there got any tips to get rid of them?

Ant powder dealt with the ones burrowing under our cobblelock anyway.

Tried it clubman, and we got those little bait stations from Lidl a few weeks back. There was a noticable decrease at the time but they're all back again now :( I feel itchy just looking at them.
Yup - I was out with the ant powder last night as there was an army of them marching on our front door!
Lots of them yesterday evening ....... winged ones interacting with ordinary 8 shaped ones. They were doing some kind of manoeuvres ...... in and out of a large crack in our garden wall. Didn't think of exterminating them but took lots of photos.
Was wondering where all the ants went to. Glad to hear they found their way up the rocky road to Dublin.
The ones with the wings are the females who are moving nest (according to wikipedia it's the quaintly-titled nuptial flight - they all tend to move around the same time and will be gone in a week or so.

I honestly don't get the fascination with waging chemical warfare on insects in Ireland - as posters above have mentioned, you can nuke them one year and they'll be straight back again next year - live and let live I say!
the quaintly-titled nuptial flight
Maybe we should be buying them presents instead of exterminating them so? :eek:
I honestly don't get the fascination with waging chemical warfare on insects in Ireland - as posters above have mentioned, you can nuke them one year and they'll be straight back again next year - live and let live I say!
In general I would agree. But when swarms of ants dig out the sand under the cobblelocking and thereby undermine it I reach for the powder I must admit. Anyway - as you say - they'll be back again.
Yes, and I've got the pics. Imagine several hundred virgins buzzing around you:). Still things could be worse. Have a gander at these fellows ....... they appear every 17 years or so around the Great Lakes and cover everything.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magicicada
The males, indeed, have been waiting some weeks for the opportunity provided by the emergence of the females now that weather conditions are right.

The swarms occur when the male and female ants conjugate. Eventually the females will drop to the ground when tired of conjugating - it would be unusual if they mated with more than three partners.

"Like bees, I am afraid the males are little more than flying receptacles for sperm," said Dr Brown.
The swarms occur when the male and female ants conjugate. Eventually the females will drop to the ground when tired of conjugating - it would be unusual if they mated with more than three partners.

As someone texted in to Ray Darcy this morning sounds like the plot to the Mama Mia Movie