Tas Books 1 and E-Invoicing


Registered User
I hope that someone that has already purchased/used TAS Books 1 can help me. I'm considering it as an option for my business accountancy needs but I really cannot afford to buy TAS 2.
Considering Tas 1 strictly notes that it does not include e-invoicing facilities, has anyone used Adobe Acrobat or Pdf995 in order to generate emailable invoices from the program? Is it possible?
I definitely need to be able to email invoices and find it frustrating that TAS 1 apparently does not have the facility.
Any legal workarounds/suggestions would be most appreciated!;)
dont know tas books but if you download bullzip pdf printer it adds a printer to your machine but instead of printing it creates PDF files that you can save and then email, i used this with sage instant accounts which didnt have e-invoicing without any bother

Thanks contemporary, that's exactly what I had planned on doing! Would you recommend sage instant accounts?
Would you recommend sage instant accounts?

No, personally i hated it. far to rigid in my view, if i wanted any details from the previous year i had to restore a back up to see it than then restore my current data, pain in the whatits
I have tas books 2 with years and find it great, might be worth the extra if you can stretch to it.
I'm afraid I couldn't stretch for Tas 2 and went with 1 after all! Thanks everyone for your replies!