Fictional heroes with kids



Was watching my favourite program of all time Babylon 5 and it occured to me that none of the heroes of the program have any kids.

My first thought was why not?

Then I thought now there's a thread for AAM.

Now they have to be fictional, Elliot Ness is not a fictional Character so he would not count, get it?

Just to start the ball rolling................

Geena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight.

Mel Gibson in Mad Max

Mel Gibson in The Patriot

Arnold Swartznigger in Commando

Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven

Sean Connery in the Rock

Burt Lancaster in (I'll get the name later when I return from work)
Fictional heroes in movies who have kids

Was watching my favourite program of all time Babylon 5 and it occured to me that none of the heroes of the program have any kids.

My first thought was why not?

Then I thought now there's a thread for AAM.

Now they have to be fictional and it has to be a movie, MelGibson in We were Soldiers does not count because its a true story, Elliot Ness is not a fictional Character so he would not count, get it?

Just to start the ball rolling................

Geena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight.

Mel Gibson in Mad Max

Mel Gibson in The Patriot

Arnold Swartznigger in Commando

Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven

Sean Connery in the Rock

Burt Lancaster in (I'll get the name later when I return from work)

William Shatner in Star Trek
Re: Fictional heroes in movies who have kids

Ellen Ripley in Alien.

Crocodile dundee!

Luke Skywalker in all 6 episodes of Star Wars.
Re: Fictional heroes in movies who have kids

Ok just re-read that so discount my three anyways.
Hi Mods,

can you delete this thread.

My PC told me AAM was taking too long to respond and so I kept trying to send it and send it.

Anyway you get the idea
Re: Fictional heroes in movies who have kids

Ellen Ripley in Alien.

Crocodile dundee!

Luke Skywalker in all 6 episodes of Star Wars.

In Alien Signor....Ripley had a monster child (being a father myself I know all about that) so I think this one is kind of up in the air (or even in space).

Darth Vader was a father but not really a hero.

But I do have another one

Sly Stallone in Rocky III (Not really sure if this one counts because its hard to know whether he would be classed as a hero)
Superman (in Superman Returns)

Indiana Jones (Mutt)

Robocop (before his makeover)

Jack Ryan (main character in Tom Clancy series as played by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck in The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears etc)
Unbreakable (Bruce Willis / Samuel Jackson film)

John McClane / Die Hard series (daughter in 4th installment)
Re: Fictional heroes in movies who have kids

Arnold Swartznigger in Commando

"Swartznigger" ? I think this shows you have a subconscious problem with schwartzs. You could include the Arnold Schwarzenegger character in ‘True Lies’ and also in ‘Last Action Hero’. And I suppose the Meryl Streep character in 'Mamma Mia'.
Re: Fictional heroes in movies who have kids

And I suppose the Meryl Streep character in 'Mamma Mia'.

I think you're stretching the definition of 'hero' a bit there - next we'll be including the ginger one from sex in the city.
Jack O'Neill in stargate the series (he's a hero to me!) ah Richard Dean Anderson mhhh
Will Smith in Pursuit of Happyness (that still stretching the hero bit?)

Brad Pitt in 7 (wife was pregnant)

Maximus - Gladiator.
Will Smith - Independence Day

Will Smith - I am Legend

Martin Lawrence - Bad Boys & sequel