Movies with just men or women not both

No. He meets up with a living French(?) woman and her kid. And some of the zombies are women.

Are we counting female zombies?

Plus the first 15 mins (or more) show it spreading and his wife is still alive, and there are crowds trying to escape etc.
[FONT=&quot]Two all men films: ‘The Hill’ (1966), Sean Connery and others. ‘The Long and the Short and the Tall’ (1961), Laurence Harvey and others. Both WWII films. For all women films: ‘The Women’ (1939), Joan Crawford and other, and ‘Steaming’ (1985) Vanessa Redgrave and others. I’ve never seen The Women so I don’t know if there were any males lurking about in the background, but I did see Steaming as a play in the Gate yonks ago – all female cast. (I suppose movies like Lesbian Spank Inferno are ruled out?)[/FONT]
Are we counting female zombies?

Unless they are played by male actors

Couple of possibilities:

Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World
King Rat

In the book Master and Commander there are woman.
King Rat I don't know

I don't remember seeing any women in "12 Angry Men".

There was a woman witness

[FONT=&quot]I suppose movies like Lesbian Spank Inferno are ruled out?[/FONT]

And mores the pity.
In the book Master and Commander there are woman.

Can you remember what part - the film was set entirely at sea apart from an uninhabited island (I think). I was thinking there may have been a woman on the Achelon (not sure exact name - the ship they pursued), pretending to be a man but I took a look and didn't see this.
Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World

Amazing battle scenes in that film. Love the cannonballs ripping threw the decks.

But no that one is excluded too.

There's a scene where Master Crowe looking over the side winks at a native woman giving them necklaces of flowers or something pointless like that.
Breaking out the DVD to double check.


It is confirmed. 30 minutes in after her first encounter with the Acheron the Surprise drops anchor and takes on supplies and drops off mail.

The wink is at 31:31.

There are no necklaces of flowers though.
Can you remember what part - the film was set entirely at sea apart from an uninhabited island (I think). I was thinking there may have been a woman on the Achelon (not sure exact name - the ship they pursued), pretending to be a man but I took a look and didn't see this.

I was dying to see the film but never got around to it.

Crowe's character was having it away with his commanders wife.

As I say I haven't seen it so can't comment.
The full name of the film is "Master and Commander, The Far Side of the World" so it's actually based on two of the books.

Judging by the map they're looking at when picking up supplies it's off the coast of Brazil. The island they visit later after rounding Cape Horn is the Galapagos.
The Thing (John Carpenter, early 80s) with Kurt Russell?

Don't remember any women being in that?
caveat - you beat me to it :( ...I was reading through the thread thinking of 'the Thing'

No women in it as far as I remember and IMDB cast list doesn't list any.
I was thinking about it but had assumed at least of the scientists was a woman, but was wrong...

However IMDB full cast list (expand the 'more' link) includes the following:

Adrienne Barbeau... Computer Voice (voice) (uncredited)

Do we want/need to be this pedantic?
I've got it on DVD. Love the film. Kurt Russell is the man. The bit when he pours his drink into the chess computer is hilarious.

I'll get back to you. I say we don't count a female computer voice.

This came out two weeks after ET. Sweet versus mean aliens.

The director's commentary (Carpenter & Russell) is the best most amusing commentary on any DVD I've got.