Anyone here who plays the bagpipes (or knows someone) who can?

Betsy Og

Registered User
Thought it would be cool to learn but not overcommitted so a few basic q's before I spend dosh (doesnt seem cheap - €1k or so on a site I looked at).

I used to be able to play the tin whistle (& could still grind out a few basics). I'm wondering if its the same principle (a bag attached to a tin whistle type system)??

Given that most bagpipe tunes I'd be interested in are fairly slow airs I'm guessing they wouldnt be that hard to learn (given the tin whistle background)? I am misguided/delusional/over optimistic?

Any views?
Re: Anyone here that play the bagpipes (or knows someone) who can?

The bould e-bay has this up for there for £65 sterling or so. Says it retails in shops for £450. Either incredible value or someones telling porkies - or what they send is complete crap....

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Re: Anyone here that play the bagpipes (or knows someone) who can?

... I am misguided/delusional/over optimistic?...
Maybe not, but I hope you have understanding and tolerant neighbours, partner, pets, kids and that the local fire-station doesn't respond to false-alarms. :rolleyes:
Re: Anyone here that play the bagpipes (or knows someone) who can?

Given that most bagpipe tunes I'd be interested in are fairly slow airs I'm guessing they wouldnt be that hard to learn (given the tin whistle background)? I am misguided/delusional/over optimistic?

Any views?

A tad optomistic if I'm honest.

I can play :D

It all depends on your age, ability and time available, the later two being the main ones. The fingering would probably be quite easy for you to pick up, it's the bagpipes themselves that will take a while to master.

You'd be well advised to get yourself a teacher, some will charge, some won't. I won't get into that for the moment.

First thing to do is get yourself a practise chanter and book/tutorial/teacher. You'll need to master the fingering and perhaps be able to belt out a tune or two on that before you progress to the pipes themselves.

You don't need bagpipes at this stage in time but keep an eye on ebay incase a bargain comes along.

Might be worth approaching a local pipe band, they might be able to hook you up with a teacher or classes depending on what you're looking to achieve. Is it for your own pleasure only or do you fancy strutting your stuff down the main street as part of a band?

Good luck with it, here if you have any further questions.
Re: Anyone here that play the bagpipes (or knows someone) who can?

The bould e-bay has this up for there for £65 sterling or so. Says it retails in shops for £450. Either incredible value or someones telling porkies - or what they send is complete crap....

[broken link removed]

Only fit for hanging on the wall!

he covers himself by saying others sell "similar" for "£450. It's that oldie of "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is"

If this is a double post, my sincere apologies.
Re: Anyone here that play the bagpipes (or knows someone) who can?

Definition of HELL: Bagpipes in a kitchen!!! Sorry!!!
Re: Anyone here that play the bagpipes (or knows someone) who can?

Definition of HELL: Bagpipes in a kitchen!!! Sorry!!!

It can be quite painful, specially when someone is learning.

I used to feel (just a little bit) sorry for my neighbours, I practised in my house for an hour every evening, then the guy four houses down came home from work and he practised for an hour or so. Once a week we got together as he taught me so they had two sets blasting out of his kitchen.

Bagpipes are definatly an "outdoor" instrument.
Why not join a pipe band on a trial basis, I'm sure they must teach their new recruits and have instruments to practice on.
luckily enough I'm in the sticks and am currently building a garden shed (to where I'd be banished no doubt), nearest neighbours maybe 300mtrs away and they're relations so should be grand on the noise pollution stakes.

Seems the way to go is to buy one of those learning canter kits off the internet with book & CD for c. €100.

My goal - personal pleasure for the moment (sounds a bit dodgy when I read that back :)), although I am harbouring a ridiculous fantasy of having my own family pipe band:

herself (who isnt so musical) could batter the lambeg - the big round drum - though she might need a weight lifter belt or we could mount it on a unicycle ;)

we have one young drummer boy already, and maybe a symbol clasher/baton twirler who is "in production".

3 cousins down the road to beef things up if needs be.
Wouldnt have the time to join a pipe band but if I made a success of the canter I think that I'd have to fork out for a few lessons.

We should be ready in time for 2016 !!!
Tsk Tsk....would ye not be learning the Uileann Pipes and not them foreign contraptions? :)
Ring the Bridge house hotel in tullamore and they will give you a number. €120 i paid in 2005. highly recommend him