Gay people - affected accent

Henny Penny

Registered User
Not meaning to offend anyone - and I am sorry if this sounds so stupid but why do gay men (especially on tv) have affected accents ... ?
I'm not a gay man :rolleyes:, but lots of my friends are gay, and that is a bit of an offensive question..Tarring everyone with the same voice box etc...
A lot of people, regardless of orientation have all sorts of affectations.

Sociological/anthropological studies suggest that we behave in certain ways to gain acceptance from our peer groups. That's all.

To me, most "D4 heads" have affected accents by the way.
Sociological/anthropological studies suggest that we behave in certain ways to gain acceptance from our peer groups....To me, most "D4 heads" have affected accents by the way.
Would be an interesting study: the antropolgical study of D4 accents in non ethnically D4 people! Large population group involved.
There must be a phd student somewhere out there....
Thanks for the input, and I'm sorry Nicola if my question offended you - that was not my intent so please accept my apologies.
I think some people from nearly every sector of society has an affected accent as a previous posted said its due to identification and acceptance within their peer group....sorry to hijack your thread, or maybe not sorry but has anyone noticed there is a bit of an American twang entering the speech of many 15 - 25 year olds?
I'm not gay but a few of my freinds are and I don't think they'd be offended by the op's question. In fact the accents of the gay people on tv is something they've commented on. They all speak normally as you'd expect. Gay or Hetro doesn't affect your voice box - but the Op is right - a lot of the Gay people on TV speak with affected accents. One gay guy I know has told me several times that this really annoys him as it lays down a sterotype for gays that is wide of the mark for most of them
I have to agree with the OP.

I know a few gay men and they all speak and act a little bit 'gay' if you know what I mean. I hope this isn't offensive but I can't think of any other way to describe it. Its mostly the voice and mannerisms.

I also cannot understand the need for this. Why does being gay affect your voice?
Gay characters on the tv, and I'm thinking of two specifically on the popular soaps seem to "ham it up" a bit I think.

Someone I know told me the other day he is gay, I'd never have guessed, (and why should I?) He's nothing like the blokes on the telly otherwise I'd definatly have worked it out.....eventually.
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Hang on a minute - this is television we are talking about!

Of course gay characters are exaggerated - as are macho characters, nerdy types, agressive business types etc etc - it's not real, it's entertainment.

As for real gay people "acting/talking gay", well see my post above.

Plenty of pseudo-hippy types talk with an affected laid back drawl, move in slow motion, dress in a "bohemian" way; wannabe yuppies power dress and use business buzz words complete with american slang/twang

etc etc
Isnt "camp" the expression for this exaggerated/stereotype gay portrayal.

Like Graham Norton or Brian Dowling - who both probably ham it up big time but nonetheless do "set a standard" if you like of high-pitched voice, slight lisp, weak wrist stuff that all a bit cringey. The SATC gay guy friend of Carrie's was probably the worst example.

If I was gay I dont think I'd be happy with such lame characterisations.
Gay is in, the camper the presenter the more popular the show at the moment so I would think there is a strong element of over playing the 'campness'. And once TV sets the tone everyday people follow suit.
Gay is in, the camper the presenter the more popular the show at the moment so I would think there is a strong element of over playing the 'campness'. And once TV sets the tone everyday people follow suit.

None of the gay people I know are camp and I can't see them ever becoming camp
Course straight men ham it up a little depending on circumstance too.

Dont forget the phenoma of the straight gay man and the gay straight man.
not sure where the gay straight man comes into it but I'm intrigued.

In my courting days I was acutely wary of becoming "the gay friend" - i.e. best friends with some chick whereby amourous advances would then be inappropriate and I'd thereby would be left in a useless position equivalent to "the gay friend".

My motto at the time was, I dont have female friends, just potential sh*gs. :D Yes, a teenage dirtbag undoubtedly!!!
Straight gay men are men who are gay but act straight.
Gay straight men are men who are straight but act gay in one way or another, metro-males - dye their hair, wear man bags, fashion conscious, have a 'stylist'.......
Not meaning to offend anyone - and I am sorry if this sounds so stupid but why do gay men (especially on tv) have affected accents ... ?

Its a very generalized, somewhat ignorant, stereotype having an Irish character on TV who's drunk.