Fixed Charge Penalty for speeding?


Registered User
I received a letter telling me that I had been caught speeding on the M1 at Santry. It included a small picture of my number plate along with the details of the offence.

Just wondering if there is any way to find out whether I was snapped by a fixed camera or by one of those mobile van set-ups?
Can you tell from the picture if it was the front or back number plate?Front would be mobile gatso.Back fixed camera.
Just out of interest when did the alleged offence happen? I am expecting a similar letter after driving in the same location last Thursday and observing a parked Garda car on the embankment of the M1. I was doing 130km/hr by my speedometer.
Can you tell from the picture if it was the front or back number plate?Front would be mobile gatso.Back fixed camera.
It's hard to tell, but it looks like the front...?
Just out of interest when did the alleged offence happen? I am expecting a similar letter after driving in the same location last Thursday and observing a parked Garda car on the embankment of the M1. I was doing 130km/hr by my speedometer.
The letter says May 20th. I was clocked at 95kmph in an 80kmph zone. I never saw the camera/van so not sure exactly where it was but I know that stretch where it reduces from 120 down to 80 as you approach the M50 interchange near the airport so it must have been just there somewhere. Probably the last 1 or 2 kms before the Tunnel.
Seeing as there are no fixed cameras on the M1 at Santry, it seems pretty likely that you were caught by a mobile unit!

I've seen them loads of times on the M1 underneath the flyovers for the M1-M50 interchange. I'd imagine a roll of speed camera film doesn't last too long in that spot - loads of people ignore the signs for 80 kph at the end of the M1.
I agree, and I was one of them. I'll take the slap on the wrist and slow down! But, yeah, I wasn't sure if there were any fixed cameras there or not.
Just out of interest when did the alleged offence happen? I am expecting a similar letter after driving in the same location last Thursday and observing a parked Garda car on the embankment of the M1. I was doing 130km/hr by my speedometer.

The camera is usually under the bridge on the M1 at Santry. Its an 80 zone there.... and you were doing 130 there? :rolleyes: I look forward to hearing when you get your fine.
The camera is usually under the bridge on the M1 at Santry. Its an 80 zone there.... and you were doing 130 there?

I was going northbound on the M1. The Garda car was on the side of the motorway, but not under a bridge...on the embankment!
So it was a 120km/hr zone and I have no problem taking the punishment.
This is probably an urban myth, but I always thought if you were doing <10% extra on top of the speed limit you mightn't get fined (eg 65 KPH in a 60 KPH zone,or 130 KPH in a 120 KPH zone, presumably to allow for speedometer variation, as it is unlikely that all speedometers are 100% correct)
I have no evidence to back this up, of course (hence '?urban myth')
Has that changed, or was it never the case?
My GPS shows that my speedometer is 5mph over stated, i.e. it says im doing 65 when the speedo reads 70. to the op many people are saying they never got the fixed notice and the judges tend to throw them out, depends on how risk adverse you are :)
My GPS shows that my speedometer is 5mph over stated, i.e. it says im doing 65 when the speedo reads 70. to the op many people are saying they never got the fixed notice and the judges tend to throw them out, depends on how risk adverse you are :)
I know, I read that in the paper over the weekend as well but to be honest, I was speeding, and it's been creeping into my driving habits recently so I'm happy to take the punishment and slow down.

I've just let the insurance company know and it won't effect my premiums so I'm not going to bother challenging it. I just hope that I wasn't caught a number of times in the 4 weeks it took them to send me out the first notice.
I got one of these notices today. Different location. I wasn't driving, but I don't know for sure who was. Two other people are covered on the insurance and it could have been either of them. Anybody know what I should do about the declaration?
Quasiff, I presume you are the registered owner so you get the notice and must nominate the driver within 28 days of the date on the notice. If you don't you get the penalties. Law is that as registered owner you should know at all times who is driving your car. Get whoever was driving to cough up or else you get penalised. Have you viewed the photo? Sometimes you may see the driver? Best of luck with it!