Comments on Politicians Personal Appearance


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Just lately I've got annoyed with comments in various papers etc on Brian Cowen's appearance. Firstly, I'm no particular fan of Mr Cowen or his party but I think that some of the comments are very hurtful whilst trying to be funny. Okay its a different era but could one imagine people years ago making such comments on eg. De Valera or Churchill ?

I know politicians have to have a hard skin in order to survive but they are still human and I just wonder have we lost all our manners. Equally, I notice that rarely are derogatory comments passed on certain females but its like as if its fair game to be as insulting as possible about the men whether its their lips, their hair or lack of, or their dress.

We're not exactly a fantastic looking race and I know I'm being a bit old fashioned but I remember being told it was a dreadful thing to make a mockery of people's looks as they couldn't help how they were made!!!
Probably you are right Brianne, but I can't help thinking Mr C could do with a wardrobe make-over and a few PR training / ellocution lessons.... :D
We're not exactly a fantastic looking race and I know I'm being a bit old fashioned but I remember being told it was a dreadful thing to make a mockery of people's looks as they couldn't help how they were made!!!

Very true. Agree totally. Perhaps he's concentrating on trying to make a better job of dear of ol' Ireland and is not worried if other people have a problem with how he looks.

I'm not a big fan of politicians in general but they deserve respect like the rest of us and should be allowed to get on with their jobs without this constant trend of finding fault with their physical appearance.

Of course, its back to that boring matter of what sells newspapers and magazines.

Certain radio programmes constantly poking fun at both male and female politicians appearances leaves a lot to be desired also. It must be great for them to feel 100% perfect.
We are more boorish and vulgar, as a society, than most of our mainland European neighbours. This follows through into our media. I don’t have a strong opinion on Brian Cowan one way or the other but I think the use of the acronym BIFFO by national newspapers is a disgrace.
lets not forget that Cowen is our leading statesman, I saw him interveiwed a while back and he had his arms crossed and a big frown on his face. He has a responsibility to look the part.
I also can't agree that we are more vulgar than alot of our neighbours, I spent alot of years working in different parts of Europe and find that they are as fond of slagging of their well known faces. If there is tabloid newspapers there will be unnice things written and it starts from there.
I think Cowen has made a decision on keep his appearance the way it is, so don't have much sympathy. I would have said he is distancing himself from his predecessor and the media coverage over his makeovers, and makeup bills - remember THAT outfit at some summit with Putin etc?

I also think it reflects his personality - afterall he was regarded as one of FF's main attack dogs prior to becoming leader, and his performance on the referendum trail didn't do much to change this perception.
Glad to see that I am not alone in thinking that we have lost common courtesy when we start on people's appearance to the extent that we do. Don't get me wrong ;I'm not advocating tugging our forelocks etc.I believe that politicians' actions and words should be scrutinised and subject to criticism if warranted.
However, I feel that not only does these kind of personalised attacks or skits serve little purpose other that amuse/hurt but that we as the electorate are not served well by this as it distracts us from serious scrutiny of what our representatives are doing/not doing.
I even feel that all the concentration , and it was needed, on Bertie Ahern and his finances and in the past on his personal life, allowed government of the hook for the hard questions like the economy and its management and the Lisbon Treaty.
So its not just a matter of bad taste in my opinion ,but it also by taking up space/airtime , dumbs down the political process and scrutiny of same.