Personal Trainer (Fitness)


Registered User
Probably an odd question, and not expecting much in the way of a response, but has anyone used or knows of someone who used a personal trainer and if so, gotten any results?
Madonna uses one ;)

(Sorry, MandaC - couldn't resist :D )

Stop boasting, so what if you know Madonna......... don't know Madonna, but I know a bloke who sang in a Def Leppard tribute band. Unfortunately, he knows next to nothing about a personal trainer.:)
I'll try to be a little bit more helpful than redstar and madonna ;)

Some previous threads with references to personal trainers .

Son maintains that is great for this type of stuff.
Thanks, did not bother doing a search because I thought it was a bit of an obscure question. Theres a fair bit in the search so will go through them, as well as the boards.
Stop boasting, so what if you know Madonna......... don't know Madonna, but I know a bloke who sang in a Def Leppard tribute band. Unfortunately, he knows next to nothing about a personal trainer.:)

I was IN a Def Leppard video...oh yeah, but that's beside the point. An ex boss of mine hired one of the employees at the local gym to be her personal trainer. She was brilliant ( the personal trainer) but long term due to my ex boss being shall we say less than committed it came to naught.
I used a personal trainer and found him great. I wouldn't use them on an ongoing basis unless you've serious motivation issues or nobody else to work out with. That's purely because of the expense. I'd recommend using one to get assessed, point you in the right direction and then find someone (e.g. a friend) to go to the gym with. It's amazing how when you couldn't be bothered hitting the gym the fact that you'd be letting someone else down forces you to go.
Get a friend to join your club / gym, both set goals, and realistic timelines to achieve.

There only use is as motivators, so all you need to do is cut out the middleman.
Thanks guys, I realise that personal trainers are very expensive.

Problem is that none of my friends are interested in joining the gym, hence me suggesting personal trainer.

Also, was in Jackie Skelly in Parkwest a couple of years back and found their instructors less than useless and more interested in sitting chatting on the phone than helping clients. I think I was using the weights wrong and just got cheesed off. Perhaps I need a serious gym so to speak, I am not that interested in the pool etc.

Unfortunately, have put up an alarming amount of weight and if I am honest become a complete lazy sod and its time to tackle it before it becomes a real issue. I know eat less (or in my case better) and excercise more is the key, but up to now have lacked motivation, which is totally unlike me, but there have been changes in work, culminating in redundancy for the staff, so it is hard to focus on anything else. But now am back on track and willing to tackle this.
Hi Mandac don't worry you are not alone ! had a health check myself this morning and while I am not grossly overweight I am overweight for my height, mentioned this to the nurse and she said 'Listen, its all down to portionsize, I eat too much, you eat too much and everyone in this building is eating too much' she said you should only eat what you are going to burn off otherwise it all just piles on. She said to get your heart rate up every day by running for 10 minutes and then walking back to your house and because you are doing something every day you will lose weight steadily. Good advice because although I may use a machine once a week and do yoga there are days where I do nothing :-( !!
Thanks for that...definitely portion sizes and junk food in my case, which has made me just to lethargic. I have got so bad. A girl in our office recommended curves, she has just toned up so much, so might look into that one too, at least cheaper than personal trainer. Will let you know how I get on fighting the flab.