Tours Airport - Male security frisking female passengers.


Registered User
Flew through Tours Airport with Ryanair last night. When you were going through security there were only male operatives. If a person "bleeped" when passing through the security gate they only had male security officials to frisk both male and female passengers. Any thoughts on this? (without the wisecracks).
Incidentally they would not permit us to bring through security an empty water bottle of standard size.
BOXtheFOX;649326Incidentally they would not permit us to bring through security an [U said:
empty[/u] water bottle of standard size.

By standard do you mean 100ml or less per [broken link removed] ( regardless of whether full or empty )
( regardless of whether full or empty )

Does it say something about "empty" somewhere in the rules?

We have had no problem bringing through our empty water bottles of 500 mls since regulations were introduced. On our way out of Dublin airport last week we refilled our water "containers" at Pier B from the water font just outside the nursery.
I also noticed that on this trip compared to the one I made a few weeks back that the 500 ml bottle of water had increased in every outlet and vending machine by 10c. Is there a bit of price fixing going on airside I wonder?
Anyhow back to the frisking.....
In Heathrow, if a female 'frisker' is not available to look at a female passenger going through the metal detector, you're not allowed walk through. I was there once when a female frisker was occupied patting down another female passenger, and the women all had to wait till she was freed up. Men could walk through as the male frisker was available. I would certainly object to a man having a nice little patting session. I don't think it's correct anyway. Reminds me of a story de mudder told me years ago, she was at the cinema with a boyfriend and the actress was kissing Cary Grant...and she said 'and she's paid to do that!!' the boyfriend was disgursted.... :D
Box, why don't you email the airport and ask them the official policy? Certainly would be interesting to see if they reply.
Email the security head office also? Sounds like the airport just didn't have any female friskers on duty when you passed through, sounds out of order though.
I've been frisked by a male security guy at an airport, I think it was the US, very professional, would prefer a female but there you go. I mean do you think they are going to grope you in front of everybody?
This is ridiculous.

Where do you draw the line? Only straight men can frisk straight men?

What is the world coming to. These are professional people doing a job.

Move along now...
Response from Tours Airport below.

Dear Sir,

We acknowledge receipt of your email of complaint regarding the security services at Tours Loire Valley Airport on your departure to Dublin, last Sunday and we are sorry for that inconvenience.

We confirm you that all liquid containers (full or empty) are forbidden. They could be refilled with liquids from other small containers authorised ( under 100ml ) which would transform it into a dangerous item. This rule has been instaured by the European Committee in November 2006 following the foiled terrorist attempts in London in August 2006.

Nevertheless it is not in accordance with the regulation that no female agent was present at the security control on your flight to Dublin and we immediately contacted
the security company “ DOGMAN” so this would not happen again.
We would like to thank you for your remarks which are allowing us to improve our quality of service.
We hope this will not stop you from travelling again through Tours Airport .
Yours sincerely,
Directeur Aéroport TOURS VAL DE LOIRE
Tél : (+33) (0) 2 47 49 37 00
Thanks Bacchus for putting a smile on my face. Love the sense of humour one gets on this site
I really don't understand why the gender of the frisker is an issue?

I've never found being frisked at airports in any way invasive. To be honest, even if I were ever subjected to a full cavity search, the gender of the owner of the probing hand would be the least of my worries.

If simply being patted down by a member of the opposite sex is a problem, I simply cannot understand how so many males can practice being gynecologists, for example. It is simply someone doing their job.

Or as Bluetonic hinted, if you fear being sexually exploited in some subtle way, would you be reasured (presumably it was the frisking of female passengers by male security which was an issue) if a certified homosexual man was called over to frisk you? How about if you found out the woman patting you down was lesbian?

I'm not being flippant. I really don't understand why objecting to someone doing their job on the basis of their gender is seen as being reasonable. I would be equally offended by the idea of a male objecting to dealing with a female in such a situation on the basis of some fundamentalist religious belief, for example.