Crowd Control at the Cork V Tipp Game


Registered User
There is already a thread with regard to the Cork V Tipperary match on this forum so if the mods wish to merge them, please do so.
My anger has nothing to do with the score (Tipp won, and won well) but my rage is aimed at some of the people who have put a spin on the reasons for the crush 10 minutes into the game.

The usual mouth pieces for the Cork County Board (it was a Munster Council gig but the CCB did the organising) have come out and spun the story to blame the late arrival of fans to the game and for fans not obeying stewards. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What I witnessed on Sunday last was the most unorganised event I have ever attended.

Yes, there was late arrival by fans due to traffic and I am sure some were late due to having a “last pint” but if a stadium cannot handle late arrivals then that stadium should not get major events.
The stewards were nothing more than teenage kids or old men who were given a bib for the day and were more interested in watching the game than looking after crowd control. Before the game there were halfhearted efforts by them to move people away from the terrace entrances but once the game started they gave up all pretence.
The Munster Council and Cork County Board reacted to the consternation after the event by proudly boasting that the ground was not full. Some boast!! I would hate to see the situation if the ground was at full capacity.
People with City End tickets were able to enter the Blackrock End and vice versa because there was no filtering of ticket holders outside the ground and people on the gates never checked tickets or if they did, they didn’t care.

Pairc Ui Chaoimh is a decrepit stadium that was badly designed when it was first built in 1976. The terrace entrances are too low down in the actual terraces to allow people move into the terraces with speed and proper filtering. The terraces and stands are fenced in which in the event of an emergency would not allow the fans easy access to the pitch for over flow. The stands themselves originally had benches which have seats placed on them and there is no leg room for people getting in and out. To compound the problems even more the tops of the seats were cut away to try and provide more leg room but it has left sharp edges which can cut!

I could go on and on. From ticket prices I estimate the Munster Council took in over €1 million on Sunday and paid out very little on organisation.
This is the third time in 5 years that there have been problems with crowd control at games in Pairc Ui Chaoimh and lessons have not been learnt. Someone will have to die before something will be done.
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I wasn't at the game, but I found watching it live horrifying. There was a sense of deja vu with what appeared to be hundreds of supporters on the pitch behind the goal, while there were obviously spaces available in the stand and on the terraces. I had the misfortune to see the tragic events at the Heisel Stadium live on TV and I could see a re-enactment developing.

However it happened and whoever perpetrated this dangerous farce at a 21st century sporting event, the so-called organisers need a severe reprimand, fine or whatever other penalty can be imposed.

Are there grounds for reporting this to the HSA and what have the local Gardai / Fire Officer to say?
The stewards were nothing more than teenage kids or old men who were given a bib for the day and were more interested in watching the game than looking after crowd control. Before the game there were halfhearted efforts by them to move people away from the terrace entrances but once the game started they gave up all pretence.

Pairc Ui Chaoimh is a decrepit stadium that was badly designed when it was first built in 1976. The terrace entrances are too low down in the actual terraces to allow people move into the terraces with speed and proper filtering.

In terms of stewards, I don't know if it is still the case but I know when I was growing up, the majority of the stewards were volunteers from local clubs in the county and training was minimal if any

as for the crushing, absolutely agree 100% with the comments. I remember standing on the City end at the 88(I think) drawn Munster football final with Kerry and seeing similer things happen. Pairc UiChaoimh is a dangerous place to stand and watch a match
The only time I ever stood in Pairc Ui Chaoimh was for the 1992 Munster Final between Cork & Limerick. I remember clearly the hassle that the stewards on the terrace had that day in trying to stop fans from standing in groups at or near the terrace exits and on passageways - this at a time of the day when there was loads of space at the back of the terrace.

I remember one diligent steward who was mocked repeatedly by supporters for his efforts in this regard. After a lengthy period he gave up and summoned a Garda for help and once the Garda arrived on the scene his presence alone was enough to ensure a restoration of order. Had there been no Garda in the area, there could have been problems.

It struck me that day that Pairc Ui Chaiomh was not a particularly safe place if/when supporters for whatever reason fail to obey instructions, and/or there is poor stewarding.

Practically every other ground in the country has been redeveloped and redesigned in the intervening 16 years. Why not Cork?

ps to the OP. I have not actually read your opening post as I find your choice of typeface difficult to read. Can you please change it back to normal. Thanks.
ps to the OP. I have not actually read your opening post as I find your choice of typeface difficult to read. Can you please change it back to normal. Thanks.

I have amended the typeface now. Apologies.

Apparently the Munster Council will issue a report into the crowd problems. Does anyone know if a report was issued the last two occassions there were crowd problems? Anyone ever read them?
These reports are ten-a-penny. They aren't worth the paper they are written on.

Yes, that is my point. I just can't understand why nothing was ever done after the last two instances (did they fob the media off then with promises of reports).
It is obvious that the crowd problems at big matches in Pairc Ui Squeeze (as it is now becoming known in Cork) will continue until there is some disaster or a death.
should the local authorities or the HSE not be conducting a review as well? not sure whether a complaint needs to be made to them first but it was a hillsborough in waiting and yet has been disregarded in the media since the day after the game.
i think the garda should be commended for their quick thinking in opening the terraces to allow people onto the pitch, but as has been pointed out this isn't the first time this has happened at the ground and really needs to be dealt with by someone other than an internal review by the Munster Council of the GAA.
should the local authorities or the HSE not be conducting a review as well? not sure whether a complaint needs to be made to them first but it was a hillsborough in waiting and yet has been disregarded in the media since the day after the game.
i think the garda should be commended for their quick thinking in opening the terraces to allow people onto the pitch, but as has been pointed out this isn't the first time this has happened at the ground and really needs to be dealt with by someone other than an internal review by the Munster Council of the GAA.

I will make a few enquiries.. I would personally make the complaint myself if I knew who to make the complaint to.