"Bad Parking" car stickers

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I am constantly being blocked in by people parking on a laneway, and the same people do not care that it it annoys the hell out of me. "Ah sure Im only there a few minutes" etc, "Im on a call, I'll move it in a few minutes" are 2 comments I got from one girl.

I plan to put stickers on the windows of the offending cars, anyone know where to get them, and are there any legal issues with putting them on some else's car?
I could be wrong, but I don't think you can stick somethng to someones car unless it is private property and you notify them that parking isn;t allowed.

Is the lane private access ? Are they parking across a driveway (I think thats illegal)?
I plan to put stickers on the windows of the offending cars, anyone know where to get them, and are there any legal issues with putting them on some else's car?

I was going through the same situation in my apartment block. Parked cars constantly partially obstructing my private parking space. I wrote a few messages on a sheet of A4 paper and left them on the windscreens of the offenders. It has improved the situation, although occasionally it still happens. I woke up some time ago to a very abusive message left on my car, using filthy and abusive language telling me I had no right to leave messages on peoples' cars.
To answer your question and give some advice I don't believe there are legal issues, but do expect some ignorant responses. Good luck
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i heard of a chap who was blocked in to a disabled car space,he was disabled so could use it,he released the air from one of the offenders tyres via the valve without any damage,the offender returned with the usual lame excuse moved his vehicle realised the tyre was flat and had the hassle of changing the tyre,although i cannot condone vigilantism i did laugh at that one.
whatever you do make sure they are extra sticky so it takes ages for the offender to remove them! Don't know if they are legal but irish rail use them at our local station.
Recently my mother who is disabled was being collected by my father. My father parked his car which has a disabled sticker in a disabled spot as close to where my mother was as possible. After he'd parked and had left the vehicle a van drove up and blocked his car and another car in a disabled space in. The van was from one of the diasbled groups but had no passangers just the driver. My father saw this and doubled back to explain he would be leaving shortly with my mother. The driver just let fly with a string of expletives before my father could explain - the jist of which was that my father had no right to park there since he was not disabled. The driver then stormed off into some shops. My father then got my mother and wheeled her out to the car. The diasbled man who owned the other car was there before them sitting patiently in his blocked in car. After about ten minutes the driver of the van returned reading a paper and smoking a cigarette. When he spotted the two waiting cars he jumped in his van and drove off - but not before my father and the driver of the other car had rung the disbled organisation on their mobiles and voiced their anger at their drivers behaviour. Whatever about anyone else doing it an able bodied driver from one of the disabled organisations blocking in disabled drivers is not on!!
Sorry for being so long winded witht he post but it really annoyed me.
My daughter is disabled ( not a visible disability) but i have disabled ticket for her and these are just some things ive seen recently that have angered the hell out of me!!!

1. a pizza delivery man sitting in the only disabled spot in a 1000 metre radius, as it is outside his pizza delivery shop. ( when asked, he wouldnt move)

2. a man with a jeep parked in a disabed spot that i was trying to get into , and he had a trailor with a boat on the trailor in the spot!!! again he had no ticket!

3. a woman with no ticket in a disabled spot reading the newspaper, after 10 mins i politely asked her to move she asked why, i said my daughter is disabled i need to park here and take her out of my car , the womans reply??? what the f*** do you want me to do about that??

4. I parked in a disabled spot with my daughter and a woman banged my window telling me to get out the spot i said i have a ticket, she said wheres your blooming wheelchair!!!!!

Is it just me or why is it that people assume someone with a blue parking permit needs a wheelchair????
My daughter has severe respiratory problems and cant walk long distances, even though she is an infant.
But i need to park closely to where i am incase her breathing stops and i need to get my car to transport her to hospital.

i strongly agree with the stickers and please let me know where to get some!!!
are there penalty points for parking in a disabled spot without a blue sticker? there should be.
Parking in disabled spot is some thing that really bugs me.

Just to restate as above - you do NOT need to be in a wheelchair to obtain a disabled sticker.

My dad got a disabled parking pass & it was only then I realised how hard it could be to get a spot - most people said they'd "only be a minute".

My friend actually pushed me to park in a disabled area (I refused) 'cos I had my dad's card in front of the car. (she managed to get clamped about a month later for "nipping" in to the shop in a disabled spot)
My friend actually pushed me to park in a disabled area (I refused) 'cos I had my dad's card in front of the car.

You were correct not to do this. The parking permit is not for the car but for the individual and is valid for any car in which that individual travels. If the individual is not using the vehicle at the time then the disabled parking bay should not be used. ( excepting such situations as collecting the individual as described by FredBloggs )

I have recently seen stickers on some cars used by disabled passengers/drivers on the rear window requesting others not to park within a certain distance, say 4-5 feet to allow for wheelchair removal etc. I'm not sure how effective they might be but possibly useful where an ordinary parking space has to be used. That of course relies on the person parking behind to have some consideration.

On the other stickers, Irish Rail would be correct as that is their private parking. Same happens in hospitals with stickers having glue on that is almost impossible to remove. Attaching a glued sticker I think may be going too far but I'd consider a note under the windscreen to be perfectly acceptable where a vehicle has parked illegally. Near our home cars sometimes park on the pavement on a narrow patch of road. There are already double yellow lines there but not enforced ( another story) . With a disabled relative calling regularly to us they often have had to go on the road as they could not pass the wheelchair between the cars & the wall. I have in the past put typed notes on the windscreens of offending cars reminding them (a) that they are parked illegally in the first place and (b) how do they expect a wheelchair or buggy user to pass safely. It usually worked.

The best I ever encountered on parking was exiting a narrow lane which had a yellow hatched rectangle painted on the road at the end to stop parking on it. As I was coming down the lane a woman was , with some difficulty, trying to manoeuver into the space. I had to stop as I couldn't exit. She saw me, continued to huff, puff & finally got parked. At this point I was leaning on the bonnet of my car watching her. When she had finished, tidied her hair, retrieved her bag etc.etc. and was locking the car I asked her if she minded moving, pointing to the box junction just barely visible under the car as she was parked illegally and blocking my exit. She let rip at me saying why didn't I say that before she went to the trouble of parking. Really, there is no answer to that is there.
i think penalty points should be brought in for the offenders
i think penalty points should be brought in for the offenders

Unfortunately the risk of being caught by policing party would be likely to be so low that I don't think it would act as a deterrent. The Tesco near us has private attendents who do clamp cars for using disabled spaces without displaying proper disabled badges and have done so also to cars parking in "parent & child" spaces without any obvious evidence of child occupancy ( e.g. a child seat, booster seat etc.) in the car. While that only applies for private car parks, it certainly works.
are there penalty points for parking in a disabled spot without a blue sticker? there should be.

Forgive me for my ignorance but I thought the whole point of penalty points was to improve road safety? Why then should the authorities use them as an enforcement tool for other laws?
This won't be a popular post, but my annoyance generally goes to the fact that if I'm in an almost full car park the only available spots are generally the disabled spaces. Even in the city centre the same generally applies. Limerick city council were recently talking about doubling the spaces and I hope they don't as usable spaces are few and far between as it is.
I am constantly being blocked in by people parking on a laneway, and the same people do not care that it it annoys the hell out of me. "Ah sure Im only there a few minutes" etc, "Im on a call, I'll move it in a few minutes" are 2 comments I got from one girl.

I plan to put stickers on the windows of the offending cars, anyone know where to get them, and are there any legal issues with putting them on some else's car?

Try this website www.makestickers.com you can design your own stickers on it.:D
The Tesco near us has private attendents who do clamp cars for using disabled spaces without displaying proper disabled badges and have done so also to cars parking in "parent & child" spaces without any obvious evidence of child occupancy ( e.g. a child seat, booster seat etc.) in the car.

I think parking in a disabled spot is despicable and know the inconvenience this causes my father who is unable to walk very far but often finds the disabled spots taken by perfectly able drivers.

I'm not so much in favour of parent and child spaces. While I understand the logic of a mother of a young baby needing a space near the door, I really don't see why a perfectly fit young woman with kids aged about 4 and six should be able to park right beside the supermarket while someone like my Mum (in her seventies) might have to carry heavy bags of shopping to the other side of the car park.
believe me as a mother with a small baby these spaces are usually taken by people with no children in the car oh and people like to park right up against your door. i think the logic is there is more room to let parents strap kids into child car seats and get buggies in and out. not sure why they are near the door though.
Fair enough, I can see you might need more space (and know, from experience, the contortions it can take to strap a child in). I just don't see why these spaces have to be the premium ones right at the door, when an elderly person might also be needing a space. Obviously some one like you, who has to physically carry a baby as well as the shopping, is a different matter. But mothers of older kids who are walking don't need the same concessions as a disabled person.
"Bad Parking" car stickers
I went shopping in town the other day. When I returned to my car somebody had left a note on it saying "parking fine". I thought that was very nice if them to say so. Some people are very kind.

(With apologies to Tommy Cooper).
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