Radiation from wiring in homes.

Ash 22

Registered User
Read on some sites that radiation comes from house wiring and that you should not sleep near, under or over clusters of wires. This seems to sound like wires running under floorboards, through walls etc, Wonder is there a lot of radiation from near the fusebox where all the wires meet up. Would be interested in what you think please.
Read on some sites that radiation comes from house wiring and that you should not sleep near, under or over clusters of wires. This seems to sound like wires running under floorboards, through walls etc, Wonder is there a lot of radiation from near the fusebox where all the wires meet up. Would be interested in what you think please.

Why, do you think it affects your health? I think there are far more important things to worry about. Where on earth did you hear that this is a problem?
There will most definitely be an amount of eletro-magnetic radiation produced by wiring and appliances, but not too much to get excited about. Unless you have one of these in your home http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Van_den_Graaff_DSC09091.JPG :eek:. Even if you could eliminate / isolate your self from eletro magnetic radiation at home, it's going to be hard to avoid it outside - work, cimermas, on the train, etc.. as it is everywhere!!

Some people people insist on link betweeh high tension overhead power lines, but AFAIK no link proven.

Dont forget to hold it up against the monitor your using to read this page also :)

Seriously, think unless the electrical cables are bare, sitting in a bowl of water and placed inside your pillow, I would not be concerned.
I know there is radiation from so many things. One of the sites is www.keepsafe.ie I know they are selling things through that site but I have seen it elsewhere also. Maybe we can never be too careful. If we go back so many years we would never have heard of radon gas and we would probably have laughed about it but now we see radon barriers being put into new homes. Anyway I'm relieved to hear there isn't any reason to get alarmed.
These people and many more like them are just contributing to the hype and feeding off fear and ignorance. Electromagnetic fields such as those emanating from the wiring in your house are all around you, unless you go live in a deep dark cave you're never going to get away from them.

Read that site, there is no basis in science for a lot of the rubbish they are spouting.
I read somewhere once upon a time that there is such a thing a normal background radiation, in other words, everything radiates at some level. Concrete, wood, and even nuclear reactors :) . Like most things in life, the only problem is when we get exposed to excessive amounts of it. For example, it's a good idea to drink a couple of liters of water every day, but if you drink too much water you can actually poison yourself and die. It's called Hyponatremia. Or, for example, the sun is more or less a nuclear reactor just burning away up there over our heads, and yet we actually benefit from some exposure to it - and excessive exposure will leave you looking like a grilled tomato and feeling like a right eejit!

So I think that you shouldn't worry about it. There are people who are incredibly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation from cables, and mobile phones and so on, their lives are a living hell as you can imagine, God bless them - but unless you are getting violently ill whenever you encounter an ESB line, I'd say it's unlikely you're affected in the same way.
Its a very well kept secret that no electrician or worker in the electrical generating or distribution industry survives to celebrate their 40th birthday.
Read on some sites that radiation comes from house wiring and that you should not sleep near, under or over clusters of wires. This seems to sound like wires running under floorboards, through walls etc, Wonder is there a lot of radiation from near the fusebox where all the wires meet up. Would be interested in what you think please.
Just wear one of these and you'll be fine. And/or maybe read this and the references that it cites.
Probably believing too much I read ! Seriously though even if the fusebox is on a wall directly under a bedroom, under the head of a bed you reckon theres no problem, its just that so many wires all connect in there at that point together.
Its a very well kept secret that no electrician or worker in the electrical generating or distribution industry survives to celebrate their 40th birthday.

Eh? Surely this would be front page news... NEWSFLASH - ELECTRICAINS DIE AT 39. come on...
Probably believing too much I read ! Seriously though even if the fusebox is on a wall directly under a bedroom, under the head of a bed you reckon theres no problem, its just that so many wires all connect in there at that point together.
Why exactly do you think that there might be a problem?
Thanks Clubman for that link. I suppose we all have certain fears especially if we read articles like the ones I referred too, gives you the "heebee-jeebees".
I suppose we all have certain fears especially if we read articles like the ones I referred too, gives you the "heebee-jeebees".
Don't believe everything you read! Especially from those with a vested interest in selling you some line or product...
I know there is radiation from so many things. One of the sites is www.keepsafe.ie I know they are selling things through that site but I have seen it elsewhere also.
With regard to "electrical sensitivity" as mentioned on that site Wikipedia yet again is probably a good place to start before researching the issue more widely.
It is a matter of controversy whether electromagnetic field exposure causes sufferers' symptoms, and the balance of evidence from provocation studies so far indicates that the link is false.