Neighbour's Van parked outside house


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My aunt's neighbour's big huge van has been parked on the road directly outside her house for about a month now. It's obvious that the neighbour no longer uses it as it has no tax displayed and it hasn't been moved.

Needless to say, my aunt, who is elderly, doesn't want to cause hassle between her neighbour and herself. We have offered to gently approach her neighbour on her behalf but she has declined. Can we/she report the car to some authority and let them deal with it?

I would have thought that if a car/van is not displaying a tax disc it is therefore "illegally" on the road not sure but Marrowbone lane is where the abandoned vechile unit is (DCC) not quite sure of the tel no but I got it off someone here so maybe search the boards
They should be able to tow or at least threaten to do so either way it'll prob get moved
We had an abandoned car left outside our house for a few weeks - no tax/insurance/nct and missing a wheel - we called the council, just ask for the department that deals with abandoned cars and give them location and car reg, they said they contact the owner and give them 7 days to remove the car after which the council will remove it. As it was the car was gone after 2 days but not sure who moved it.
Had a similiar problem at one stage. If it is a private estate the council have no right to remove however if they have taken over the estate they will remove it. Alternatively ring the Gardai and telll them there is a vechicle abondoned and causing an obstruction. You do not have to give your name, so you will stay in with the neighbour.
Don't like this "anonymous phonecall" suggestions.......if it's bothering your aunt like you say, best approach is a polite word with your neighbour
The problem is if you give your name when calling the Guards, it will be recorded on the Pulse system. Which it not exactly secure, given that any Garda who happends to be a mate of the person complained against can look it up.
If it is a private estate the council have no right to remove however if they have taken over the estate they will remove it.

Are you sure? Is a public place restricted by the fact that a developer is still responsible for the roads? This might suggest that the gardai can't take action either.

Alternatively ring the Gardai and telll them there is a vechicle abondoned and causing an obstruction. You do not have to give your name, so you will stay in with the neighbour.
Fair enough if it's cauing an obstruction.
The van can be seized and ultimately disposed of if tax/insurance have expired for a certain amount of time.
The problem is if you give your name when calling the Guards, it will be recorded on the Pulse system. Which it not exactly secure, given that any Garda who happends to be a mate of the person complained against can look it up.
No prizes for guessing what I do for a living, Towger. This is a VERY serious allegation and generalisation about Gardai. They are subject to the Data Protection Act. If a Garda does "look it up" this is recorded and he/she would face the consequences. Lets not start going into this, as it belongs in another arena. I probably shouldn't even post this, but I think your comment is unfair.
I think your comment is unfair.

My comment is based on exactly what happened on my road then one car got a ticket for parking with two wheels on the footpath, when every other car on the road does the same and got none. The owners of the car, which was parked outside their own house, had no problems in getting the information. The big joke was that the name recorded for making the complaint was their own!
The big joke was that the name recorded for making the complaint was their own!
And some people wonder why the Gardai can't/won't follow up on complaints when, in fact, the person filing the complaint has given false information! :rolleyes:
My comment is based on exactly what happened on my road then one car got a ticket for parking with two wheels on the footpath, when every other car on the road does the same and got none. The owners of the car, which was parked outside their own house, had no problems in getting the information. The big joke was that the name recorded for making the complaint was their own!
I don't question that this happened, towger. I just felt your comment was a bit broad. Still, he was parked on the path.;) I'd have questioned why I was the only person getting a ticket. Your friend is obviously very forgiving if he let this slide; malicious complaints, being singled out for attention, false information being supplied, gardai giving out information willy nilly. I think we're straying a bit so lets not get into a "my friend was doing 52 in a 50..." discussion. Loads of room for that elsewhere.
I recently had experience in this area, the house directly opposite me has one parking space with one tenant, but he has two cars parked in one spot one behind the other, and when i reverse back i am always pertrified of hitting his car.

one car , he bought to do up, its a lump of metal and has been sitting there months with no tax or insurance.
when i reverse , my parking spot is on a bit of a slant so i must reverse up a bit of a hill ,if you get me, making it difficult to see.
a neighbour told me a few months that the gardai served a summons on the tenant to move the car, but its still there.
i sometimes have to get out in the middle of the night to access hopsitals , doctors, etc, in a major hurry and trying to get my car out is a nightmare.
it is not an option to reverse my car into my spot as the way his cars are situated this is impossible.
i have a huge disabled ticket on my car ,which im sure he has seen but doesnt seem to care.
he is on the residents committee also.
i am not.
i havent tried speaking to him as i find him rude and obnoxious and i thought by receiving a summons the problem would be solved.
i wasnt the one who complained resulting in him getting a summons.

i was wondering if there was a reason that the gardai would allow the car to be left there and not have it removed or is this the councils job?
or would the tenant have been able to ask the car stay put for a while.

this is a council estate.

sorry dont mean to hijack your post. but i know how you feel.
I recently had experience in this area, the house directly opposite me has one parking space with one tenant, but he has two cars parked in one spot one behind the other, and when i reverse back i am always pertrified of hitting his car.

one car , he bought to do up, its a lump of metal and has been sitting there months with no tax or insurance.
when i reverse , my parking spot is on a bit of a slant so i must reverse up a bit of a hill ,if you get me, making it difficult to see.
a neighbour told me a few months that the gardai served a summons on the tenant to move the car, but its still there.
i sometimes have to get out in the middle of the night to access hopsitals , doctors, etc, in a major hurry and trying to get my car out is a nightmare.
it is not an option to reverse my car into my spot as the way his cars are situated this is impossible.
i have a huge disabled ticket on my car ,which im sure he has seen but doesnt seem to care.
he is on the residents committee also.
i am not.
i havent tried speaking to him as i find him rude and obnoxious and i thought by receiving a summons the problem would be solved.
i wasnt the one who complained resulting in him getting a summons.

i was wondering if there was a reason that the gardai would allow the car to be left there and not have it removed or is this the councils job?
or would the tenant have been able to ask the car stay put for a while.

this is a council estate.

sorry dont mean to hijack your post. but i know how you feel.
I'd contact the local gardai and explain your predicament. You should see action. The Council themselves should act too. They regard this as litter. A strongly worded letter to the Residents Association might embarrass him into action? Good luck.
Its illegal to park a commerical vehicle in a residential area, so anyone doing it regularly should be fined.

If you live in a city/town where they have parking enforcement e.g. Dublin, have you tried ringing the clampers?
Its illegal to park a commerical vehicle in a residential area, so anyone doing it regularly should be fined

This is a good one. This is a genuine enquiry, where is this act/by-law in force? Half of my neighbours drive everything from work car/vans to artic. lorries. Some aspirational middle classes in the 'hood say they "lower the tone". I'd just be happy to stop lorries blocking up the road! People have to work too though so where do you draw the line?
That pesky ice cream van has been disturbing my siesta too...disorderly conduct anyone?
Thanks for all the advice. Today, we reported the van to my aunt's local council - the Environment section. The helpful girl in the office said that the Enforcement Officer would be sent out to check the details. She asked if we'd like to give our names in confidence - we declined.
Will let you know if (or when) the van is moved.
If it is a private estate the council have no right to remove however if they have taken over the estate they will remove it.

Are you sure? Is a public place restricted by the fact that a developer is still responsible for the roads? This might suggest that the gardai can't take action either.

This has come up before.. the Gardai Road Traffic Legislation is valid in any place to which the public regularily have access.. so shopping centers, hotels and private estates without gates can be patrolled etc. Gated communities with no access to the public may be off limits.
Its illegal to park a commerical vehicle in a residential area, so anyone doing it regularly should be fined.

That's interesting. Is there any truth to it?

So you can't park a van on a residential street? And what's the legal definition of a residential street exactly - mostly houses? What if there's a mix?

Just curious. Never heard this one before.
Well, in many private estates (i.e public) they have management companies that make rules... in such estates commercial vehicles are often banned... I don't think there are any restrictions in normal estates... other than the ones that have signs saying no 3 ton trucks etc etc..

The situation in this country re: private estates is a joke in my opinion... and the government is ignoring it... many householders are being held to ransom by management companies.
No prizes for guessing what I do for a living, Towger. This is a VERY serious allegation and generalisation about Gardai. They are subject to the Data Protection Act. If a Garda does "look it up" this is recorded and he/she would face the consequences. Lets not start going into this, as it belongs in another arena. I probably shouldn't even post this, but I think your comment is unfair.

I take your point, but its useful to know that any Guard can look it up.