Indiscreet mobile phone conversations


Registered User
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing how people are prepared to shout their private business all over the bus, just because they happen to be on a mobile phone. I have heard the intimate details of people's relationship break ups, problems their children are having in school and one really cringy conversation where a breastfeeding mother was telling a friend about the particular underwear she needed to buy in town. It passes a boring journey, admittedly, but why do people do it? Do they not realise everyone can hear them?
...which is why they do it in many cases IMO. They think their lives sound interesting/crazy/risqué etc.

Well, most of them need to dream on if some of the silly, inane conversations I've had to listen to are anything to go by. They just sound like needy attention seekers.
unfortunately, they do it on trains, darts, the luas.... I'm dreading the day when they allow mobile phone use on planes as well.
My OH has a loud voice and always talks loudly on the phone. Am constantly telling him to shush...and then feel like his nagging mother....
That's my original point. I just can't believe how unselfconcious some people are when they're talking on mobiles. Far more so than if they're just sitting beside a friend on the bus chatting.
If someone is shouting,at the top of their voice, a few seats away from you, how can you not 'earwig'?
unfortunately, they do it on trains, darts, the luas

I use the dart every working day and often at weekends - the ONLY time I have heard someone 'shout' is when some drunk thugs get on and start harassing people - and that has been few and far between.
Or maybe you're just blowing this out of all proportions - like a ?

Oh rmelly, will you please give it a rest. You know exactly what the OP is talking about so get off your high horse and stop being so argumentative for the sake of it !
Oh rmelly, will you please give it a rest. You know exactly what the OP is talking about so get off your high horse and stop being so argumentative for the sake of it !
Yeah rmelly - who do you think you are? A needy attention seeker or something?!? :mad:

Was getting the bus home the other evening and some foreign guy had his phone on loudspeaker from O'connell street to Glasnevin. He shouted into the phone for the entire journey, I'm sure the whole bus could hear him. Had no idea what he was saying as I couldn't even figure what language he was speaking but the arrogance of it I couldn't get over! Lets give everyone on the bus a headache as I want to show off that I've a speaker phone!