Sir O'Reilly has a halo


Registered User
I caught a glimpse of O'Reilly , on the Business Page of his own paper (big edition) , of course this is definitely nothing unusual . But as I was admiring those lucky enough to be in his presence ( just first ministers , ambassadors etc., no royalty ) , I noticed Sir O'Reilly has a halo . I think that the halo is more noticable in the print edition , my tip for those with a flat screen is as follows : get down on your knees and look up at O'Reilly on the screen ( "Indo" editors use this position ), do you see it ? the white halo.
I'm so happy that such an elevated personage , a SIR no less, ownes the IRISH INDEPENDENT , am I the only admirer to see the Halo ? don't say that the Halo is in the eye of the beholder ??
We should start a campaign that he be elevated to the peerage. Us mere mortals are so lucky to have him amongst us.
A veritable saint indeed.
Blessed be Sir O'Reilly
I'm more curious to know what Big Ian is doing with his hands in that picture! :eek:
Having to sit through the Waterford Wedgewood AGM'S and listen to Sir Tony going on and on and on about his rugby achievements, year after year has to be the most boring AGM ever. Worse than watching paint dry. Very little as to why the company is fast going down the tubes though.
I'm so happy that such an elevated personage , a SIR no less, ownes the IRISH INDEPENDENT

He's the largest single shareholder in the group. He doesn't actually own it although the way he acts you'd be forgiven for thinking he does.
His photo is in todays print edition also . Again, not with royalty , its only three elected Premiers who find themselves in his presence . I'll probably spend the afternoon fawning over his image , hoping that the Halo reappears .
PS I don't buy the indo , friends get it for the death notices.