Thinking of Buying in Tyrellstown. Please advise


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Hi I have just gotten a mortgage. I am thinking of buying it Tyrellstown as there seems to be a lot of choice, and very good prices.

Can anyone tell me if this area is ok. Is there much trouble
Hi my friend lives in hollypark which is near tyrellstown, no trouble but the traffic is absolutely chaotic as there is very few buses.
I used to live in Tyrellstown, never noticed the traffic being that bad although it's true that the bus service is awful. The noise from the planes is something to be considered as well.
Hi I have just gotten a mortgage. I am thinking of buying it Tyrellstown as there seems to be a lot of choice, and very good prices.

Can anyone tell me if this area is ok. Is there much trouble

Tyrrelstown is a potential trouble spot in my opinion. My sister used to live there and I have relatives still living there. My observations of the place are that it is a little bit too close to the rougher parts of Blanchardstown and also Mulhuddart. The nearest police station is in Blanch. I have seen lots of antisocial behaviour around the village and winos drinking in the park. I believe there is lots of car theft and cars speeding around the roads. Latest reports are of mini mopeds being driven by underage children causing noise and also danger to pedestrians.
The biggest downer for Tyrrelstown as far as I am concerned is the proximity of the place to Dublin Airport. Every morning planes fly overhead and the noise is atrocious. This is something that you don't pick up on until you are living in the place or have slept in the place for a night.

Undoubtedly, it is a cheap place to buy. There are dozens of houses for sale in it. I believe the new houses in Cruise Park have come down in price a lot. If it was me, I wouldn't purchase here. I'd pay that bit extra and live somewhere other than Dublin West.
i live in ttown, have been there 5 years and once had bullet mirrors stolen off of my mini, nothing else

its very quiet here, i did notice planes but now you never hear them, i am out at 6.30 in the morning with my dogs and see the planes coming over and your not bothered by them

I honestly think we have had not much trouble from the scrotes down the road as they are too lazy to walk up the hill to steal a car, hence they steal from down mulhuddart way

overall a great place to live, could do with a dog park and it would be perfect