ICB report...complete?


Registered User
Hi folks, i noticed from this board the other day that you could now apoply for your ICB report online.

I did this on Tuesday and it arrived today :)

Anyways...I have a number of finance issues in my life...loans, credit cards o/ds etc.

BUT...nothing showed on my report. The only thig that did was one revoked credit card from back in 2001...and I know from a previous mortgage application that they consider this wiped after 5 years.

All the report showed was that credit card and then a list of all instititions that have accessed my report since last June. ( btw i made one applicat to rabo direct and i now have 8 requests from Friends first all in the space of about 20 mins of each other on the same date)

What i'm asking is...is this the exact report finance houses get when they conduct a search on me?

and can i contact the ICB and ask them to wipe the revoked creit card off as it has now been 7 years since this happened.

many thanks
hi annemaire,i just got my report back today as well and i applied online,it came as .no data found,i did have a lone out for a car with woodchester finance 12 years ago but it doesn't show,ive also had a credit card for 9 years and there is no record of this,whch is great because i have on accasions been a couple of days late with payments,hope this is of some help yours mr m.
I sent off for my icb report yesterday.......have my fingers crossed it shows up blank like yours....
As far as the information i've been told and researched, this is exactly what the banks/institutions will recieve when they do a background check.
yeah it's pretty weird though that NOTHING is registered on it!!

i have a personal loan from BOI
personal loan from Tesco finance
credit card with BOI
overdraft with BOI

now i have never missed a payment on anything and they are all well within my budget...almost finshed boi loan but i always thought they would be registered.

as a matter of fact i originally got my boi card to show i could now be trusted wit one after the folly of my student days when i had one revoked :(

i was told by a bank manager that it was the quickest way to build up a good credit history.

i am pleased it is clear i suppose but it really won't make a diff to any application for a ccard i want cos they will ask for 6 months statements and therfore see the dd's leaving my a/c
just recieved my report from the icb. The result was "nothing found". i dont know what i was worrying about. have credit cards with some late payments and a few loans. nothing appeared on the report. happy days
ah thats good news streets.

seems weird though doesn't it?

are we 100% sure this is what finance houses see when they seek our records?

realistically if i had a 2nd a/c that all my dd's came from then i wouldn't have to declare any borrowings to any further institiution as they would have no way of seeing them?

(this is hypothetical beofre alll the 'angels' start telling em about the disclosure aspect of a acontract)

i just can't see that as being the case?
The report that you see is very different from the report that a financial institution sees in relation to you when they access a person's ICB record. The Institution will be able to see general patterns, and discern the general nature of your borrowings and repayments (or lack thereof, if this is the case). A general footprint will be left by other institutions that access your record. They should not be able to discern the name of an individual financial institution, as your personal report can.
If you log on to the ICB's website you will get a list of ICB subscribers.
If you feel that there is material on your ICB record, you should contact the offending institution verbally, initially, and back up your request in writing. Keep a copy of your letter. Give them an acceptable time to investigate your complaint. If you are unhappy with your treatment, formalise your complaint through their complaints procedure. If your are unhappy with the outcome, telephone the Data Protection Commissioner, and that Office will help you.
Your credit record is important.

Look after it.
So basically it's pretty pointless paying 6 quid for a report that effectively tells a person nothing about their credit history except recent 'footprints' on that a/c??

seems like a scam now!

I know the 5 year rule applies, as last time i applied for a mortgage PTSB advised me that if i waited 3 months, my 5 year frame would be up and they could disregard the revoked credit card.

Thankfully i never followed through on the subsequent mortgage approval...just seem the house we were buying back on the market for 130k less than we were going to pay!!! Divine intervention??!!
The report that you see is very different from the report that a financial institution sees in relation to you when they access a person's ICB record. ).

I don't think this is true at all and there is no mention of this [broken link removed]. You are entitled to see everything that is recorded about you at the ICB under the data protection act.