Obtaining a barring/restraining order?


Registered User
Is it a longwinded process to have a court order that a certain indvidual must stay off your property? Any ideas appreciated.
Is this a trespasser, a partner who is abusive, a "stalker" or just someone you are sick of the sight of?
Is this a trespasser, a partner who is abusive, a "stalker" or just someone you are sick of the sight of?
Well as is so often the case, it's "none of the above" really. We own the property but it is tenanted out to a few businesses and this individual has been in bad mouthing members of our family to our tenants. Can anything be done, given the private property/public place nature of the setup?

To be honest we've enough legal stuff on our plate at the minute to be overly worried about this chaacter but if there was a simple remedy (I know, doubtful!) of barring him I'd like to hear it.
Unfortunately simple and legal don't necessarily fit well in the same sentence.

Simple on its own, well, sin scéal eile...
Indeed, I presume we can simply have our solicitor at least write to this individual telling him he's Persona non Grata and that if he enters unto our property again it will be trespass?
If there is evidence that this person has engaged in defamation / slander and if your tenants want to keep this person away from their businesses then there may be grounds for legal action, otherwise I suspect you may be on a hiding to nothing.

I believe that as you have rented the premises commercially, refusal of admission onto the properties is an issue for the tenants and not you.

Talk to your tenants, then consult a solicitor.
Why don't you ask your Solicitor to send him a letter saying you will sue him for defamation if he dosen't stop making allegations against you and your family?

It might just do the trick and put the frightners on him.......