Looking to buy Ginger Beer

I'm almost certain I saw lashings of ginger beer in Marks and Spencer. Don't forget to pick up a few slabs of chocolate to complete a Famous Five Feast :)
I'm also looking to get Bundaberg Ginger Beer and cant seem to find anywhere. Someone said there is a Donnybrook Fair type shop in Ranelagh/Rathgar area that I think stock it?
Apparently there are bottles and bottles of it hidden up in Smugglers Top but you'll have to avoid disturbing Uncle Quentin on your quest :)

Failing that you could try the epicurean food hall on Abbey St.
Hi MandaC

The Donybrook Fair type place in Ranelagh/Rathgar is probably Mortens: near the Luas stop (Beechwood, I think) at the back of Ranelagh.

Theres a specialist food shop in Rathgar Village - beside the Deli Boutique that does it. Also Mortons at Beechwood in Ranelagh stock it.

Does anyone know where to get STONES Green Ginger Wine. Used to be able to get in Superquinn and a few other places - but now all thats stocked is Mackays - which is not as nice.
I bought Ginger Wine from Dunnes around christmas time.

Can you remember the brand? Stones is definetly the nicest - Mackays (which has taken over where Stones used to be) is just not the same. :(
Bundaberg? ...pah... Old Jamaica is what you want - definitely in Sainsburys and probably M&S too.

Thanks for all the very helpful replies. As I'm a northsider I'll ring around the various places mentioned before heading out. Once again, many thanks
Organic Ginger beer freely available in Asda's up north. Strong stuff. Would take paint off a gate.
Holland and Barrett shops stock the Old Jamaca Ginger beer at a quite reasonable price compared to one of our local small shops