Cold Sores - best cure/healer?

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Registered User
I have the mother of all cold sores after a flu left me very run-down.

Its on the upper lip and a monster !! I would say approx 1cm across.:eek:

I felt it coming on and tried all the usual expensive creams, with zero effect as usual (what a con those creams are).

I think I am now over the worst, but what I need is advice on the best way to get it to heal quickest.

It is in that cracking/sore/weeping state now. Any stretching of it just causes it to bleed again. Its very tender.

I have tried Vaseline but it seems to just sit on the upper lip and congel into a big yellow mush after a few hours.

Any advice?
Have you tried Propolis cream?- available from Health Food stores - my brother in law swears it to be miles better than any of the over the counter tiny tubes of ointment that are available..

Once you have it the coldsore it will takes its course.I find that taking zinc tablets helps to heal it.Also dab some sudocream on at night.I take a lysine tab everyday helps to keep them away.This works for me and my sister.Zinc tabs are good for healing.
I know - but I had a thread locked for violating this guideline by asking about the suitability of a pair of gloves. Just looking for consistency from AAM mods.
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