Monastery Drive / Park / Walk?


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Just looking for opinions from people who live or have lived in this part of Clondalkin.
General views on what the area is like to live in, with small kids in mind....

I lived in an adjoining estate for many years and always enjoyed walking through Monastery. It's very leafy, always seemed relatively quiet to me deapite the fact that Monastery Road is extremely busy, and it is built in a very different style to Castle Park or Floraville.
it is built in a very different style to Castle Park or Floraville.

That's quite true, anybody that has lived here able to give opinions on the build quality of the houses?
What's the history of the estate? When was it built, who the builder was etc.?
I lived there about 20 years ago. Nice houses & well built. I never had any problems.
It was a nice quiet area back then. I dont know about now.