Schedule of Assets of deceased person- is Beneficiary entitled to a copy?


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I know that a Will is a public document but can a beneficiary of a Will see the full Schedule of Assets of the deceased?
The Schedule of Assets ( or Inland Revenue Affidavit) is a document of Public Record once Probate issues and is freely available to anyone on payment of a small fee to the Probate Office. Equally, if an executor is so minded they could choose to let you see a copy but they are not obliged.

Why does the beneficiary want to see it? I have this vision of all these paranoid beneficiaries suspecting the executor of dreadful skullduggery.

...I have this vision of all these paranoid beneficiaries suspecting the executor of dreadful skullduggery...
Which never, ever happens, righ'? An executor never skulled a dug or dugged a skull?
Which never, ever happens, righ'? An executor never skulled a dug or dugged a skull?

Given that the Schedule of Assets goes to Revenue Capital Taxes and can easily trigger a Revenue audit of the Deceased's tax affairs.............I've had two in my time and ( if you were'nt already) you'd be reeeeeeeeeeeel careful to advise an Executor of all their obligations in the collection and distribution of an Estate.

My experience ( yes, one sided I know) is that there are far more paranoid Beneficiaries ( who bizarrely were not asked by the Donor to be their executor- I wonder why?) than dug skullerying Executors.
