new look irish times


Registered User
my initial reaction was i preferred the previous layout. perhaps this is a typical reaction to change. wondering what other readers thought
I thought that they revamped it only a few years ago? Haven't seen it today. Do they have a tabloid edition yet? ;)
no but they will probably go down the route of some of the u.k. papers in having say the sports section in tabloid form
they seem to revamp every few years, you get used to the new format after a few days. I'm fairly certain we'll never see a tabloid version.
Just noticed it on the newsstand this morning. Didn't buy. Doesn't look radically different at a glance.
I think visually it aligns it a little more to the website, I wouldn't call it a radical overhaul in terms of what it looks like and the organisation is pretty much the same (they moved the Arts page is about it really in terms of layout). Changes in the content are the largest part of it, they have expanded some of the pull-out sections and added a couple of new ones. Dunno if it justifies the increase on weekdays, on weekends at least it is supposed to be several extra sections fatter.
Saw a hardcopy for the first time today. Lots of whitespace! Seemingly there was a letter (yesterday) in which somebody complained that the extensive use of sans serif fonts (seems to be just in headlines to me) clashed with the serious nature of the subjects covered!??! :confused:
Really? :) I didn't get it yesterday so I didn't see that particular gem of a letter!
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Sorry - I omitted a question mark and should have said "(yesterday?)" since I'm not sure when it was. A colleague mentioned it to me.
just had a read of that letter :D made me smile! Seems it isn't all bad!

Madam, - I am somewhat underwhelmed by your latest re-design. I do not like the new font being used for your headlines, and the increased use of a sans-serif font, particularly for the "In short" reports, diminishes the paper's air of authority. To my mind, a serious broadsheet should be typeset with extensive use of serif fonts.

While the Opinion section has expanded, there seems to be an awful lot of white space on the first two pages, in contrast to the traditional layout of the Letters page.

On a more positive note, I like the idea of your new Gallery section, but feel that the addition of "celebrity" photos is completely unnecessary. The back page of newspaper headlines is a nice touch, but the reproduction of some of them is unclear, and translations of the non-English headlines would be greatly appreciated. Another positive: the chess problem has received some attention, resulting in a much clearer diagram. - Is mise,
LEO TALBOT, Moy Glas Way, Lucan, Co Dublin.
I absolutely hate serif fonts and find them really hard on the eyes on screen and in print. I much prefer sans-serif in both mediums (media?). Aren't they largely an anachronism from the days of mechanical printing processes? Maybe I'm not IT reader material after all... :(
maybe you aren't, or maybe Madam is trying to lure you in by dropping a serif or two?

Insofar as I understand it, serifs make it easier to read a word as you can recognise a letter better with serifs than without. I wouldn't exactly be too concerned either way though!!
I usually buy the Irish Times only on a Saturday. €2 for the Saturday edition isn't so bad when you consider that the Sunday Independent is already €2.40 (?) for an inferior product.

I was interested enough in the new Irish Times weekly image supplement Gallery with the Monday edition to buy one. However, I was extremely disappointed in the product and doubt I will buy the Monday edition for the Gallery supplement again.