Danes re-print Mohammed cartoons.

The British people in general are a very tolerant people. Maybe - with the benefit of hindsight in say 50 years time - history will show they were too tolerant and welcoming to immigrants in the late 20th century etc.

I agree, they are too tolerant. I'm not completely pro-British, but their a grand bunch! About the immigrants thing, when the sun never sets on the British empire its going to burn you sooner or later!
The reality is that since the coup which put Hamas in charge the Palastinians in Israel who are Israeli citizens enjoy more freedom than theose who live in Gaza.

This can never be reiterated enough because for most Irish people it just refuses to sink in.
This can never be reiterated enough because for most Irish people it just refuses to sink in.

Whatever the story there is , I doubt they brought all their own troubles upon themselves.