FYI: Revenue use facebook profile for information


Registered User
From the [broken link removed] Facebook, LinkedIn and other social network profiles being used by rev. commissioners for audit purposes.
Maybe the Gardaí could take a leaf out of their book and intern all Bebo users for the good of society?
I read this article and thought it was a disgrace (no doubt there'll be some posters here defending the revenue's actions).

1. Anyone can enter any information on these websites. I could create a profile for someone I have a grudge against and enter anything I like about them.

2. The information entered in these websites entered for networking. Revenue is misusing this information, (which is probably against the data protection act)

3. I wonder what linkedin and facebook etc, will think of this? I've just removed most of my information from linkedin.
I read this article and thought it was a disgrace (no doubt there'll be some posters here defending the revenue's actions).
Why is it a disgrace for them to ask questions on foot of the information posted?
1. Anyone can enter any information on these websites. I could create a profile for someone I have a grudge against and enter anything I like about them.
If the information is inaccurate then the subject of the audit can presumably prove so?
2. The information entered in these websites entered for networking. Revenue is misusing this information, (which is probably against the data protection act)
Are you sure about that? If I publish and advertisement in the Irish Times saying that I am engaging in tax evasive nixers (I'm not by the way!) then surely it would be the same thing?
3. I wonder what linkedin and facebook etc, will think of this? I've just removed most of my information from linkedin.
Why? Do you have something to hide? Don't forget to try and get Google and other caches of the same info erased. Good luck in erasing all traces of your "electronic footprints"!
What kind of info would a person have on these sites and how would it be of interest to the revenue?
What kind of info would a person have on these sites and how would it be of interest to the revenue?
Perhaps if I had an account on such a site and posted stuff along the lines of "bumper month this week with my sideline business - the money is rolling in"?
Maybe the Gardaí could take a leaf out of their book and intern all Bebo users for the good of society?

A tad harsh Clubman! I don't see why the Revenue shouldn't do this...this civil liberty/data protection nonsense is usually the refuge of those with something to hide. If some galoot is caught by Revenue because there's a picture of him on Facebook floating in his pool out in Quinta de Lago then so be it.
Are you sure about that? If I publish and advertisement in the Irish Times saying that I am engaging in tax evasive nixers (I'm not by the way!) then surely it would be the same thing?
No, I'm not sure about it. However, if you decided to publish an article in a national newpaper, then this is for general public consumption. Information input into these networking sites is for the purposes of networking. The important things here are who the end user is intended to be and what use the information is going to be put to.

Revenue has violated this.

Why? Do you have something to hide? Don't forget to try and get Google and other caches of the same info erased. Good luck in erasing all traces of your "electronic footprints"
Ah, the old 'nothing to hide' chestnut.
I wouldnt be suprised at all if revenue are trawling this website and tracking posters :eek: Hands up any members working for Revenue :)
You sounded pretty sure here:
Note use of the word 'probably'. I am sure that revenue are misusing the information. I'm not sure if this is against the data protection act, although it probably is.

Ah, the old 'nothing to hide' chestnut.
Sorry - I'm not with you?

It's all about civil liberties. "Why not put CCTV everywhere, only criminals have anything to hide" or "Why not have a national DNA database, only criminals have anything to hide" etc, etc... The scary thing is, many people see no issues with such state intrusion.
It was a joke! :(

As was my comment! I didn't really think you were proposing such a policy...even the real Rambo wouldn't be that stupid. Which by the same token is the most ludicrously violent thing I have ever seen. But that's another story. During an audit Revenue can pretty much look into anything so this seems pretty natural. Get as much information on your subject as you can.
The revenue is not misusing information. The data protection act refers to your obligations with information that you gather from your customers, not how you can/can't use information freely available on the Web. People seem to treat these websites like having a chat down the pub with some friends. Yes they are, but the rest of the world is potentially standing behind your shoulder & it's permanently recorded.
It's all about civil liberties. "Why not put CCTV everywhere, only criminals have anything to hide" or "Why not have a national DNA database, only criminals have anything to hide" etc, etc... The scary thing is, many people see no issues with such state intrusion.
Not quite the same thing. CCTV recording of your actions is not quite the same as voluntarily posting details about yourself and others reading them and using the information for certain purposes.
Surely having a national database of fingerprints, DNA, etc kept securely under rigorous controls would prove beneficial in helping the police on a number of matters, e.g. theft, murder, rape, etc. The key would be to ensure that it is controlled properly. Remember that anybody convicted of a criminal offence has their fingerprints kept on file long after their sentence is over and nobody cries civil liberties about that. Surely this would be the same.
Its not as if Revenue are going through these sites trying to find their next target. As far as I know they only use it to look at people that are they going to audit to build a profile. They probably just enter a persons name in google and sees what come up. Couldn't see the story myself
It's all about civil liberties. "Why not put CCTV everywhere, only criminals have anything to hide" or "Why not have a national DNA database, only criminals have anything to hide" etc, etc... The scary thing is, many people see no issues with such state intrusion.

Last week in the UK two men were jailed for life. One brutally murdered five women, the other murdered a woman and then had sex with her dead body. Both were caught because they had had DNA samples taken after committing far less serious offenses (fighting/trespassing) I have absolutely no issue with giving a DNA sample to anyone or having to carry an ID card. What about the cvil liberties of those of us who don't commit terrible crimes, or to get back to the topic in hand those of us who pay our taxes and subsidise tax cheats? I'd have no issue with anyone from Revenue looking at my Facebook or Bebo pages because I've nothing to hide. They'll see pictures of me on holidays, all paid for out of my net pay. They'll see me out socialising spending money from my net pay. If you've nothing to hide, don't be worried.