Best 'runaround' for about €1000


Registered User

Must be hatch - looks unimportant, but must be reliable. Am thinking 93 to 95 Micra or even Colt.

Any thoughts?
Skoda Felicia? - from 1998 onwards they are Volkswagon made.
I have a Nissan Almera Hatchback, 1996.
Bought it in 2000 and never had a problem with it.
However, I will be upgrading soon but only because of the age of the car & the embarrassment it causes my wife:)
Thanks all - I reckon Starlet might be one one to go for.

You would have to go for v early nineties one for 1000 as these cars are not that cheap as v reliable, micra mgiht be better as tax would be lower and insurance as its one litre and starlet usually 1.3
I will be upgrading soon but only because of the age of the car & the embarrassment it causes my wife:)

Isn't it terrible that people look down on older cars like this?!!

Its just as eco-friendly to keep an older car (with a good, well tuned engine) running by repairing and replacing parts. To build a car takes a huge amount of raw material and produces a lot of Co2 and other pollution, so maintaining an older car in good running order is better than creating more waste by scrapping it and its also wasteful of our hard-earned money to spend more simply to have a 'newer' car when the older one is still doing the job.

Maintaining an older car in good order should be something to be proud of, not embarrassed about!

Look up the thread at the top of the page on buying a secondhand car. The most important thing is to get a car in as good running order as possible that meets your needs as an owner rather than buying a particular make or model.

In many cases this will be an older Jap car, reason being that the cars are bulletproof and with normal use and a bit of servicing will just keep going without breaking or causing headaches.