US Visa Query


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I spent a lot of time in America in the nineties but never overstayed a visa. I made my first visit to America in almost ten years recently. I was stopped at immigration and put through an interview, the basis of which was that their records showed I had overstayed one particular year (after which I had travelled twice more but with no problems). To cut a long story short, Immigration allowed me to travel that day but said that they could have easily stopped me and that they would not allow me into the US again without completing a formal interview process in the US Embassy Dublin. In this upcoming interview I have to provide proof of employment (tax paid, etc.) or proof that I was in education for the times in which "their records" show I was in the US.
My question is this: could US Immigration have stopped me travelling to America that day even though their information was incorrect? And on proving that the information was incorrect could I have reclaimed the cost of the flights, accommodation, etc.?
Also, is there any way of claiming back the cost of my trip to Dublin US Embassy for interview (train), day off work, cost of interview (€94)? I can easily prove I was not in the US in the time they are concerned with as I have college transcripts. I suspect I will not be able to recoup any of these costs but it seems a bit much given that it is based on incorrect information. Any thoughts?
They can do what they want I'm afraid (in my experience) .you wouldn't have a chance of anything you said ever happening ! bar being labeled a undesirable . my advice :bite the bullet , jump the hoops and sort it out Their way or else you may never visit there again .
It is my opinion that they can do/say almost anything they want to you because they are American and you are not, and you want to enter their country, therefore they are within their rights to make you jump through as many hoops as they see fit. They will naturally believe their records unless and until you can produce evidence to the contrary which is acceptable to them.

Whether it's morally right, however, is another matter which has already had lots of discussions on here and other discussion fora...

As for a refund of costs, not a chance. They must have thousands of applicants every day in embassies all over the world, and potentially, by the law of averages, dozens of people who are, like you, questioning 'the system', so they couldn't possibly cover it, even if they wanted to.

But undoubtedly I will be corrected by those who have successfully done all of the above.
I spent a lot of time in America in the nineties but never overstayed a visa.
Any chance that you forgot to surrender the green I-94W card from your passport when exiting the country thus making it look like you never left?

I would imagine that you have zero chance of getting the expenses paid!
Thanks for responses. I didn't forget to surrender the green form from my passport. I suspected I would not be entitled to costs back but it seems very unfair as I did not do anything wrong. I would be livid if I had not been allowed through on the day though! I will attend interview in US embassy and bring all evidence necessary - never want to have to go through such an intimidating process again!

Is there anyway of finding out in advance if you will have problems with immigration?

I was in the US in 2000 on a J1 visa. I left after about 6 weeks and came back to Ireland as I was offered a job. I have no idea if I surrendered the I-94W card or not. I'm due to go on my honeymoon to the US in August and don't want to take any chances of being refused entry.

I have checked the US embassy website and they have directed me to a very expensive phone line. I've tried phoning it but have been put on hold immediately and at $2.50 per minute I don't want to stay on too long!

I found a post here somewhere on contacting the US immigration people at Dublin airport but there was no contact number. Does anyone have this number?

All help or suggestions appreciated, Triona