Manbags, the latest fashion accessory

Think I'll wait until Aldi or Lidl start selling them before I buy one.
They already do:


First of all I thought that these were stupid, but when you consider what we have to carry round in our pockets, keys. phones, money, wallet etc ect maybe they are not such a bad thing after all.

Think I'll wait until Aldi or Lidl start selling them before I buy one.


I'll never have one - for me it is just the continuation of men becoming more feminine. I dont see the problem of having to carry a wallet, keys and a mobile in your pockets. I have been doing this for years and don't need a bag to help me.

I notice that anybody with a 'manbag' always looks like they spend an age on their hair, plus they quite often have a scarf done in that looped style that seems the 'in thing' at the minute (even when its not cold).
I notice that anybody with a 'manbag' always looks like they spend an age on their hair, plus they quite often have a scarf done in that looped style that seems the 'in thing' at the minute (even when its not cold).
And the implication of all that is...
Go away out of that!
I've always carried a bag - ever since college when it was required for books etc, until now, when I use it for driving licence, cheque books, pens, notebook, blackberry and phone charger for work, other bits of paper important to deal with like bills etc.

I see loads of guys carrying bags - be they attache cases right to school-style rucksacks. It is necessary because pockets are not that big and the requirement to cart trash around everyday calls for a bag.

The ones who have bags by prada and other expensive leather carry-ons spend a lot on their hair. I got mine in some cheap-skate luggage place and it was less than a tenner!
The ones who have bags by prada and other expensive leather carry-ons spend a lot on their hair. I got mine in some cheap-skate luggage place and it was less than a tenner!
How long/much do you spend on your hair if you don't mind me asking?
Surely our God given man bags with their natural climate control is better than Prada, Gucchi et al can produce. And as for the bone handle .....
Whats wrong with a good old Adidas backpack thrown over one shoulder?

I'll tell you why that isn't acceptable - because its not fashionable enough.

People will come on here and claim that manbags are handy because of all they can carry etc, but the same people won;t be seen dead with a sports backpack - because its now a fashion statement (by those guys that spend forever on their hair - read into that whatever you want!!).

They might start carrying manbags, but then just an ordinary one won;t be enough - it will have to have a certain label on it, and cost a certain amount.

Plus I think they are over exaggerating exactly how much the modern man has to carry. I know many many fellas, and none carry manbags. So how come all these folks don't need to carry so much rubbish with them that they need a bag? If you need a manbag - you're carrying too much crap around - end of.
Plus I think they are over exaggerating exactly how much the modern man has to carry.

So what's the right amount of exaggeration?

If guys want to carry man-bags or spend time on their hair then good for them. I don't have enough hair to spend much time on and I never saw the attraction of hauling a bag around the place (I find carrying my laptop bag around when I travel with work to be a pain) but if that's what makes you happy then knock yourself out.
Scots males have carried sporrans for years,
[broken link removed]
Makes sense, my sons are constantly losing phones, wallets and keys out of their pockets.
A man bag undermine your masculinity...

[broken link removed]. I don't understand why people get worked up about these things - I use one when carrying a laptop, otherwise as other posters have said, it's just one more annoying thing to have to cart around all day.
I don't need a bag - my wife carries a big cloth one wherever we go, and thats just as useful for my keys, mobile etc etc. Plus I don't have to carry it. (Its a bit like having that train of servants that the big game hunters went around with on safari. Except I only have one.)

am I in trouble now....?
I don't need a bag - my wife carries a big cloth one wherever we go, and thats just as useful for my keys, mobile etc etc. Plus I don't have to carry it. (Its a bit like having that train of servants that the big game hunters went around with on safari. Except I only have one.)

am I in trouble now....?

Does she call you bwana?