Carpets - Wool versus Nylon


Registered User
Hi all,
Have just started exploring the wonderful world of carpets. Want to put the same carpet in all four rooms. Prefer the look of wool carpets (more interesting weaves etc) but have been advised that Nylon carpets these days are far superior as they don't fade or stain. Basically I'm confused at the minute and just wondering if anyone out there has purchased carpets recently and has any words of wisdom to offer on the subject. Cheers.
Wool = beautiful = expensive. Nylon = nice = cheap price. I've head people with kids say that nylon is easier to clean than wool.

I'd say if you find a nylon carpet you like, save your money.
We have a high wool content (c. 80%) carpet down in the main living areas for the last 12 years and it has proved to be highly serviceable and durable. Synthetic carpets in less used areas were less so. You'll pay more for wool but it can be well worth it in my experience.
All of our carpets are, like the one Clubman mentions, 80% wool: 20% nylon. Very hardwearing and still looking good after 20 years.
A guy in a reputable carpet shop told me that they're selling off a lot of their 100% wool carpets as they're no longer considered to be that practical. I think 80/20 is the way to go alright judging by all I'm hearing. Thanks all.
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