Cork GAA dispute?

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Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Yea, but there’s a difference between rebelliousness and plain old belligerence...
If the players don't want to play they should shag off and let someone else do it.

They could do that but how long before the new set of players get fed up of second class treatment from the County Board..?

Do you keep going until there are only junior players left?
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

I never said I wrote it. It was sent to me by email and I posted it as I felt it best summed up the situation.
I am sorry if I offended your sence of outrage ubiquitous.

If you are unable or unwilling to abide by the posting guidelines, that is hardly my problem. :)
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

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Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

They could do that but how long before the new set of players get fed up of second class treatment from the County Board..?

Do you keep going until there are only junior players left?

You keep going 'till you find players who are less self indulgent and do what they are told, just like they do in other counties; Simple.
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Do what they are told? You sound like one of the dictators we are trying to get rid of down here in Cork.

Click on the link below and see that the people of Cork think...

Of course the people are going to back the players. Its the same in every sport.
Were you giving out about this Dictator when he went to Croke Park and defended these same players who are now calling for his head even when the rest of the Country were calling him a disgrace for trying to use every trick to get his players off a deserved suspension.
Any player who is not happy with the situation can walk away from inter County sport. They don't however own the jersey and have no right to stop anyone from playing or managing the County. Why don't the players put pressure on their clubs to vote against the new system? The answer has to be there is more grassroots support in the clubs for the board than there is for the players.
cork must be a very religious county because they have given up hurling and football for lent.
I'm wondering how long it takes the sponsor (O2) to get involved - or have they yet ?? -
They are going to want their regular advertising on the pitch, post match interviews etc etc.
Big bucks talk, after all !!
I'm wondering how long it takes the sponsor (O2) to get involved - or have they yet ?? -
They are going to want their regular advertising on the pitch, post match interviews etc etc.
Big bucks talk, after all !!

Thats a good point - although each time this hits the news papers there's plenty of photo's of fans or players wearing their O2 jerseys! They are probably getting more publicity than any other sponsor at the moment,
So far O2 have said nothing. But if anything this is the kind of thing that will put pressure on the Cork County Board rather than the players.
I was very dissappointed with the lack of comment from the journalist Eamon Sweeney in yesterdays Sunday Independent. Last Sunday week he wrote that he had yet to meet anyone in Cork who supported the players. Since that article there has been march in support of the players (and another yesterday afternoon) and also a RED C poll (conducted in Cork) in which the majority supported the players over the County Board.
I would have thought that he would have commented on the strike yesterday. No chance.
As a retired Garda Inspector, Mr Holland (and his solicitors) may fail to see the humour in any suggestion of him committing a crime even in the context of a "joke".
As a retired Garda Inspector, Mr Holland (and his solicitors) may fail to see the humour in any suggestion of him committing a crime even in the context of a "joke".

While he may not see the humour I do think his solicitors would laugh at him if he brought the particular post you are referring to, to their attention.

At this stage the rights and wrongs of the dispute matter little. Both sides are so entrenched the only option to get the players back playing is if Holland resigns.
Regardless of how he was appointed, the fact remains, the 30 Cork footballers will never play for him. No manager who has lost a dressing room will ever win it back. In this case, Holland lost the dressing room the moment he accepted the job (a job he wouldn't of had a chance in hell of getting if there wasn't a dispute) so he should do the horourable thing and fall on his sword. I would even hold it for him.
There were better men, far more qualified and entitled to the Cork Football Managers job, who declined the job offer and respected the players wishes that an appointment wouldn't be made until they had sorted there issues with the County Board. Holland lost the players the moment he accepted the job.
Just watching Questions and Answers where the Cork GAA strike was debated. All 5 panelists sided with the players and said the whole thing had been badly handled by the County Board.
The studio audience were even more outspoken in favour of the players.
The saga continues...

It now appears that the Cork County Board have found a loop hole in the way Teddy Holland was appointed and this may pave the way to get rid of him.

Interesting to see how this one unfolds throughout the day.
Bob Ryan (the County Board PRO) has stated this afternoon that Teddy Holland will not be resigning. Despite the rumours....
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